Diet Information

10 Quick Debt-Busting Tips

Are you really frustrated

How to Replace Bad Habits with Good Ones: The Science of “Habit Management”

Few things are more difficult than kicking bad habits or developing more positive ones. But it is definitely worth the effort. Bad habits like smoking, overeating or self-criticism shorten lives and lead to underachievement, and unsuccessful attempts to change them lower self- esteem.

A Kernel of Truth about Relationships: 5 steps to improvement

“It’s all about relationships!” proclaimed my father during our recent holiday visit with my parents. Santa Claus coffee cup in one hand and a wagging finger toward my wife, Elizabeth, with the other. “When you retire, that’s what you realize is most important in life” okay, so that’s not him in the photo.

Its Not Your Fault

Well, worry no more. Its not your fault. The latest research of the most advanced information on the human brain and its effects on our success uncovers truly revolutionary insight.

The Neuro-Science Of Losing The Weight You Hate

The national center for health statistics suggests that over 64 % of Americans are overweight and that figure is growing every year. There are currently over 300 books on dieting and over 16,000 variations of diets from which to choose. People spend over $40 billion a year on every magic potion or pill that they think will help them lose the weight they hate. Unfortunately, 95% gain back all the weight only to once again look for the next hot new diet. John Assaraf, one of the world’s leading optimum performance experts, suggests we look at the cause of this epidemic instead of relying on diets and temporary weight loss tricks.

Setting Sail for Your Destination

Whether taking on a new project, starting a new job, beginning a new relationship, retiring, relocating, or any new start, setting sail can be the most exciting and exhilarating part of the journey. The anticipation that comes with taking off toward your destination helps to propel you forward. However, setting sail may also be accompanied by challenges or feelings of anxiety and fear as you leave the safety of the known to risk stepping into the unknown. For me, the past two years have been a time of new beginnings. A move to a new city, getting settled in a new home, meeting new friends and colleagues, exploring a new area and learning a new language have marked many new opportunities. It has been an exciting adventure and a time that I have enjoyed very much. It has also been a tremendous learning experience and has challenged me in ways Id never dreamed of when I began this journey. Following are four tips that have helped me during this time and that I hope will help you navigate more confidently and successfully as you set sail.

The Balance of Balance

Life is about maintaining a balance of all aspects. At times some areas might receive more focus than others, but remember were always undergoing constant change. It takes 3 weeks to develop a habit, so develop these habits with balance in your life, you wont regret it.

9 Ways to Motivate Yourself When You Just Dont Feel Like It

Achieving the really big goals and dreams always involves breaking it down into do-able little steps. Assuming that youve picked a goal or dream that you really love working at, then most of the steps are a delight to take. No matter how much you love your dream and no matter how much you love your work, there are going to be tasks along the way that you really dont want to do. Those pieces of work that we hate doing can be the very ones that sabotage our success. How do you stay motivated during those parts of the journey


Mirrors, mirrors all around Why don’t I hear the joyful sound Of myself clapping as I stroll by Is it you or is it I

Speed Up Or Lose Out! How To Improve Your Websites Download Speed

So your web sites online and youve got high rankings in the search engines attracting lots of visitors. But the statistics tell you most of them are leaving after viewing just one page, whats gone wrong

Top 10 Reasons Why I Reject Article Submissions

Each week I receive dozens of article submissions to my websites from aspiring authors, website owners, and entrepreneurs. Unfortunately, I can only use a small fraction of the articles I receive because the writers are making one of the crucial mistakes listed below.

Power Packed Linking Strategies - Part Three

This is the third in a series of three articles showing you how to find a suitable linking strategy for your website and put it to work for you.

Networking Know How

Networking, even to a seasoned professional, can seem intimidating or scary at times. The reason for this is due to the fact, that networking can be positive or negative! We dont often think of "negative" networking. Not knowing what constitutes the difference between the two makes it easy to network in a negative manner.

Ten Steps To A Well Optimized Website - Step 7: Website Submissions

Welcome to part seven in this ten-part search engine positioning series. Last week we discussed the importance of human testing. In part seven we will cover the best practices of website submissions, where to submit your website to, and how to do so.

Carnival Cruise - a perfect holiday, Rock and Rolling with Carnival Cruise

If you want to have fun for one low price, all you need is a Carnival cruise. A Carnival cruise is a perfect way to pamper yourself. You don*t have to worry about paying extra for meals, entertainment and a range of activities. You just unpack once on the cruise ship. You are in the capable hands of fitness experts having massages, loofah treatments, hairstyles, saunas, pedicures, applying soothing masks and micro-facelifts, there is a complete relaxation schedule for you with nautical spas, and the exercise programs.

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