Diet Information

Definitve Proof - Supplements Heal

No Money in Prevention

Holiday Dieting: A Sweet Way To Cheat

If your diet is making you a humbug this season, there’s some good news. Turns out dark chocolate, that decadent confection, may actually be good for you!

New Hope for Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Sufferers

There are many theories with regard to the causes of chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, many of which may be indeed touching on the truth or at least touching on an aggravator or contributor to these afflictions. Diseases in general have been growing in epidemic proportion over at least the past 20 years, especially in the United States, where our increasingly toxic environment and lifestyles have drifted further and further away from what is natural in the name of progress, technology, and profit. Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia are no exception, the two often being experienced together, and possibly symptoms of the same disease. Many agree that having one or both of these conditions reflects a compromised immune system, but whether this has resulted from viruses or chemicals or heredity or DNA mutations or other causes is much debated. As in the question of the chicken or the egg, I think the answer lies in what came first, at least in terms of triggering the disease.

Pain in the butt. How to deal with hemorrhoids

This is very sensitive area of your body. Too private. Nobody likes when something is wrong over there. However it happens.

You Are What You Eat - Genetically Modified Food

Whenever we sit down to eat, we assume that the foods we consume are good for us, like milk, vegetables, fruits, and grains. Well, think again. In the last decade the foods we know corn, tomato, potato, soybean, strawberries have drastically changed due to the introduction of genetically modified another word is genetically engineered organisms in 1994. Over 60% of the items on your local grocery store shelves these days are genetically modified, and these items are not labeled as such.

Ten Winter Skin Savers

Winter brings with it drier, rougher skin, flakiness and itchiness and chapped sore lips. Combat winter skin woes with these tips from the ancient healing tradition of ayurveda:

Successful New You Resolutions in Ten Strategic Steps

Whether you are setting personal or business goals, the key to successful New Years Resolutions is to create a strategic plan. The following steps will guide you through the goal setting and achievement process.

Kitchen Treasures for Healthy and Beautiful Skin

Vegetable and spices are necessary in our kitchen. They play a vital part in our diet and nutrition. Now, you can even make your own beauty regimen out of those veggies and spices in your kitchen.

The Perfect Diet Just for You

You decide to start a new diet plan. You shop around, get ideas, talk to friends, family, co-workers, forum friends, chat room buddies…then you choose the one that sounds best and works within your budget and sign up.

Depression Would Be Second Largest Illness By 2010!

World Health Organization states one out of four worldwide suffer from various forms of mental, behavioral and neurological disorders. Are you one of them

Head Massage : Desire For Outer As Well As Inner Health Head Massage Is The Perfect Solution

The touch strenghtens our immune system and helps us survive. Infants receive a daily massage from birth to promote good health.The first nine months are considered to be the best fot infants for massage as bones of fontanelle develops after nine months. Now massage has be come a part of daily life especially for women. They look for better hair and relaxation of mind. But these days, the massaging technique has been further developed to incorporate the upper back, neck, shoulders and even face. Undoubtly massaging has powerful effect on the whole body, be it mentaaly, physically and spiritually.

Are We What We Eat

Whenever we talk about diet, there are numerous things that come to mind. There are mainly two meanings of the word diet. They both relate to food. First one can be defined as food that we take into our body. For example, eating a well-balanced diet. Another one can be defined as losing weight.

Are You Suffering From Chronic Constipation

Embarrassing as it may be, we have all suffered from constipation at one time in our life or another. According to the National Health Interview Survey as many as 3 million Americans suffer from frequent if not chronic constipation. While constipation is not recognized as a degenerative disease or serious disorder, people who are constipated often feel bloated, uncomfortable and even sluggish. Constipation by itself is miserable enough, but sufferers often experience painful bowel movements that can become compounded by hemorrhoids that form due to straining.

The Isometric Diet and Balanced Health

The concept isometric has been a part of the health care vocabulary for decades. The most common application of the term, until now, has been with respect to physical exercise. Taken from the Greek root word Iso, meaning equal, the familiar term Isometric exercises involves applying equal weight to achieve strength goals.

Nutrition Supplements for Aging Americans

While America has given birth to the song “Young at Heart”, and the phrase “you’re as young as you feel!” can be heard from coast to coast by millions of people, demographic trend point firmly toward the other direction: aging.

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