Marketing Information

The Write to Link Popularity

Using writing as a means of boosting your link popularity can be a turnoff for many webmasters, when in fact it can lead to a wealth of links.

RSS FEEDS: Whither Thou Goest

I open up the Feed Reader every day on my laptop and cruise the news feeds I subscribe to. The amount of information is now overwhelming, I need to just subscribe to only the feeds that are of immediate interest, else I would be reading feeds twenty four hours every day.

Simple Graphic Design


Design Web Album and Deployment Using Adobe and Macromedia- Part 1

OK, here is my mission; completely install a customer example photo gallery found here in 2 hours or less. The basic process starts from Adobe Illustrator CS or Corel Draw 12. This is the format all customers’ work is saved in. There are aproximately. 300 files I need to access export and create a photo album with full navigation.

Design a Web Album Using Adobe Photoshop- Part 2

So lets begin crunching down these 300 images using Adobe Photoshop from start to finish. When I say crunching, to some 300 images may seem like allot, but its not. I have done jobs for clients that have 100,000 plus images. When you have that many images to produce there are other programs I use that are designed for this. We’ll cover that another day.

Publish a Web Album Using Adobe Photoshop or Macromedia Dreamweaver- Part 3

So now we have you pile of images looken real good, nicely organized in directories with an index.htm file, nice. Are we ready to publish this on the net Well, yes…but. There always is a but. Here are a couple of suggestions that will help you enhance your online photo album.

Developing Your Own Pitch

If you have surfed any of the exchanges for credits, you have seen them; countless affiliate web pages for all the different programs available.

How Important it is to Have a Professional Logo Design for Your Business

There are a lot of things that contribute towards the success of a business. Having a good quality product doesnt necessarily assure the success of a business. To build a long term impression on your customers, it is vital that you have a proper marketing strategy and something unique about your company. Here comes in the importance for having a custom logo design.

Adobe Photoshop levels-Turn junk into gold by clicking a button

There is no doubt in my mind; Adobe Photoshop is the greatest Photo editing program in the world. Whether you are a novice or an expert Photoshop is the program for you. Photoshop is used by my children and by the movie making industry. So what exactly can I do with Photoshop The better question is what can’t you do with Photoshop

Ordering Commercial Printing For Your Company Can Be Indimidating

"I went to see a printer today to get my companys stationery printed. They ask too many questions, I cant answer!" I feel kinda dumb.

Advertising doesnt pays!

Well this has been a busy day. I am truly fatigued. So I may cut my writings today short, but not cheap. We set a sales record today and entered more new printing orders than any other day since our inception in 1989. Today was a banner day…great.

Copywriting Secrets Of Indias Mystics

Hi everyone,

Effective Marketing

For any business to be successful whether on or offline it has to be marketing effectively. You are going to need more than a great looking site with fabulous products or services to obtain success. You will need to run an effective marketing campaign and for this you will need a marketing plan.

How to Write Your Way to More Quilting Business

So, youve opened up your quilting business

7 Creative Ways to do Marketing

There are plenty of ways to let customers know about your products. Why not use things that are already in place for communication with clients

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