Marketing Information

How to Keep Your Business Healthy

Can you imagine youre ninety years old and still hiking up mountains with your grandchildren, bench pressing more than most twenty year olds, and making millions of dollars

Trinkets, Lockets And Empty Pockets

It never ceases to amaze me how many people set-up a website, without any type of plan or clue about how to promote it, how to write a sales letter, how to write an ad-- nothing!

Which of These 7 Mistakes Are You Making In MLM

Youve done it. Youve signed up with a network marketing company. Youre ready to get started with your teams advertising system. Youre ready, set, go. All the ads hit, youre excited. Like a kid who cant wait to go to Disney World, you wait for the responses to pour in.

How to Avoid the 11 Biggest Mistakes of First-Time

“If you want to change your life,” Harry Beckwith wrote in The Invisible Touch, “write a book.” But, writing a book can also be tremendously frustrating and unrewarding.

Dont Be A Reciprocal Linking Turkey!

I had an email exchange with an SEO client today after his webmaster called him pushing reciprocal linking software when all this web designer was after was to generate some extra work from a client that hasnt needed him for awhile. Then that client called me after he received my email de- nouncing the software, fully convinced by a follow-up phone call from his web designer that the reciprocal linking soft- ware WAS valuable.

11 Awesome Ways To Attract More Orders

1. Create a free ebook directory on a specific topic at your web site. People will visit your web site to read the free ebooks and may see your product ad.

What Is Most Important – Copy Or Pic

When, some little time ago now, I first descended upon the advertising scene, we were a good deal more concerned than most people seem to be today about the nature of the business we found ourselves in. We were always holding debates – in the saloon bar of the Coach & Horses in New Bond Street, to be tiresomely precise – about the meaning of advertising, the significance of advertising, and the past, present and future of advertising. And an unconscionably serious lot we no doubt were. Not to mention drunk.

Voice Mail That Sells

As a business owner, I receive my share of sales calls in a given month. More often than not, I’m away from my desk or out of the office which means I end up listening to the messages instead of speaking directly with the sales person. Here are a few of the common mistakes I notice and how you can correct them.

10 Steps to a Great Newsletter

A newsletter can be a wonderful, economical way to communicate with prospects, customers, employees or distributors. Just follow these ten easy steps for newsletter success.

What is Search Engine Optimization

It is no secret that search engines are the number one traffic generating method for driving visitors to the different web sites. Search engines are very useful in helping people find the relevant information they seek on the Internet. The major search engines develop and maintain their own gigantic database of web sites that can be searched by a user typing in a keyword or keyword phrase in the search box.

What is Pay-Per-Click

Pay-per-click PPC advertising is when an advertiser pays for each qualified click that sends a search engine user i.e., visitor to the advertiser’s web page. PPC requires the advertiser to bid on key words or key word phrases chosen by the advertiser. There are many PPC advertising services available to choose from. Google AdWords and Overture are probably the two most popular in use today.

Are You a Cultivator or a Harvester

As a result of providing marketing consulting, training and coaching to a variety of individuals and industries over the years, I have come to recognize that people generally approach the business building process in one of two ways. Everyone tends to be what I identify as either Cultivators or Harvesters. The problem is the business building process requires both cultivation and harvesting. Read on to determine which you are and how to assure that you are both cultivating and harvesting new business.

Wimpy Google and Michael Jackson: Birds Of A Feather

Google Inc. is suing a Houston-based company for allegedly clicking on sponsored links to fraudulently boost advertising revenues.

The Impact of Price Popularity on Profits

The goal of almost every business owner is to generate a profit either for themselves or their shareholders. This can be challenging at best. So much thought and effort go into running a business, accounts payable, accounts receivable, dealing with vendors, customers, etc. Because of this people sometimes do not focus on one of the most important factors- pricing. Knowing how much you can charge for your product or service is invaluable information. Businesses typically want to increase volume and prices at the same time. In a perfect world that would be easy to accomplish, yet we do not live in a perfect world. So just how do businesses go about deciding how much to charge for a product or service

Interview with a "Video Virgin"

Shani Alexander is the founder of Relocations Made Easy which produces an interactive website and CDROM tool that advises people on how to make a stress free relocation to a new city.

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