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The Secret of Overcoming Procrastination in 4 Simple Steps Let's face it. Overcoming procrastination can be a challenge if you don't know what's causing it in the first place. These 4 simple steps will help you find the REAL cause of procrastination making overcoming procrastination a breeze. You'll soon be able to achieve those daunting tasks and in some cases, even look forward to doing them! Make This Your Most Productive Year Ever - 26 Tips Each year we start the year thinking about our goals, our job, our health, all the 'new' routines and commitments we make to ourself to make this our best year yet? but two weeks into January all our planning and resolution goes out the window! You can make this your best year ever by applying some of these simple ideas (and re-reading this article each year to keep you on track. A Simple Solution For Accomplishing Any Goal Have you ever had someone ask you to do some thing and then later forget about what they told you to do? Eight Steps to Taking Control of Every Situation in Your Life! Like it or not, we are all gladiators. We go to sleep and wake up in a social arena from which there is no escape. Challenge upon challenge confronts us, walls restrain us, and a mob of spectators mocks, sneers, or cheers us. Each and every day brings new battles whether we want them or not and whether we're up to them or not. Life forces us to face one skirmish after another - no choice in the matter. One Life to Live Nothing stops us. Well, almost nothing. Although we do live in a world that whirls at breakneck speed, there are a few things that will stop us in our tracks. When tragedy strikes, our attentions are diverted from our normal hustle and bustle to the turmoil at hand. The perfect example of this is, of course, the world's reaction to the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States and the events following it. Creative Visualization: How to Supercharge Your Goal Setting Do you know the single best way to "supercharge" any goal setting program you use is through visualization? How To Create Your Very Own DREAMWALL! A great way of attuning yourself daily to what your deepest dreams and wants are is to create yourself a DREAM WALL. How to Keep Your Focus on Your Home Business Goals As you begin your new home business you will find there will be hundreds of distractions that will fight for your time and attention. Living The Real Life Beyond Goal Setting In many of his wonderful talks the motivational speaker Zig Ziglar states "you've got to have goals." Have you ever asked yourself why? Ten Reasons To Have an Inspired, World Changing Goal In a nutshell, having an inspired, world-changing goal is the difference between idly walking along a path leading to nowhere and taking a purpose-filled journey to somewhere. Why, When You Set Goals, Do You Fail to Reach Them? Why is it when you set goals for yourself most of them are not realised? The Future: Help is Available How important do you believe it is to think about and visualize your future life? Treasure Map Your Next Success Treasure Map Your Success for 2005 2003... Got Goals? Ask anybody on January 2nd 2003 if they have New Years Resolutions or goals and nine out of ten will say, "Yes!" ...Ask the same people about their resolutions three months later and they'll look at you like a small goat discovering a new fence for the first time. The Painless Solution To Procrastination I have a confession to make. Once upon a time, I had a bad case of procrastination. I could find all sorts of excuses for putting off any activity which I just didn't feel like doing! Are Your Goals Exciting? This may sound like a strange question, but are you really excited about your goals? Of course, I'm making the assumption that you have already invested the time to think about what you want your life to be like and identified some of your goals in several areas. If not, please do this immediately. If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there. To Reach Goals: Bypass Resistance & Gather Assistance To reach goals, consider this illustration: If you see roadblocks up ahead on a journey you take a diversion. No one in their right mind would just drive on and hit the obstacle head on just hoping they get through! S.M.A.R.T. Goals (excerpted from the Jim Rohn One-Year Success Plan) Get a Clear Mental Picture of the Goal Already Accomplished "A man can be as great as he wants to be. If you believe in yourself and have the courage, the determination, the dedication, the competitive drive and if you are willing to sacrifice the little things in life and pay the price for the things that are worthwhile, it can be done" - Vince Lombardi What Do You Really, Really, Really Want? If the 90s British pop sensation 'the Spice Girls' ever get remembered for anything, I hope it's for bringing the question 'now tell me what you want, what you really, really want?' to the mass consciousness |
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