Diet Information

High Protein Diets Can Have a “Bad” Impact on Your Career

With all the excitement regarding high protein diets, one area that is often not talked about is a diet rich in protein can be a major contributor to bad breath. Actually, there are several causes of bad breath, many of which most people have given little, if any, thought to.

The Best Things in Life Are Rarely Things

Have you ever noticed this to be true

Finding Your True North

Okay Friends,

Delegate or Drown

Why waste your precious time working on tasks, which are definitely not your forte when you can delegate or invest your money on a product or service which will free up your time You can then focus on the more important areas in your work and your life.

Antioxidants - Your Best Defense Against Disease and Aging

Studies support the benefits of eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. This is due to their high antioxidant value. Why are antioxidants so important Because they have a proven track record of fighting free radicals.

Overall Food Health Values

Let’s take a look a the basic food elements in your perfect dietary plan; fruits and vegetables group, bread, cereals, rice and past groups, meats and beans group and dairy group. Each has different characteristics or helpful nutritional value for your dietary needs.

The Solution to Healthy Weight Loss

The overweight and obesity epidemic is a worldwide problem. There are no official statistics for spending on diet products, but estimates vary from $40 to $100 billion in the US alone, much of that on scams and fad diets that promise the impossible.

Half of our Nation is Over Weight!

Experts say obesity will overtake smoking as the biggest health problem of the decade. They are predicting a quarter of the population will be suffering from weight related diabetes by 2013.

The Health effects of being Over Weight

Both men and women around the world are becoming fatter and its partly because of our modern lifestyle, too much fatty food and too little exercise. Some people say, Why should it matter if Im overweight as long as I feel okay But being overweight does matter because it increases the risk of health problems such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes and some cancers. Being at a healthy weight on the other hand, can help lower blood pressure, make you feel better and give you more energy. If you need to lose some weight, heres some good advice from the National Heart Foundation.

Weight Loss Tips!

All throughout my childhood and teenage years I watched helplessly as my mother tried every fad diet under the sun. I recall one time she ate boiled cabbage and nothing else for a whole week. I felt my mothers’ frustration and misery but I could not understand why it was so difficult for her to lose weight and keep it off – until that is I became a weight loss coach.

The Five Keys to Healthy Eating

Healthy eating is about more than calories or following the latest dietary fad. Trends come and go. Healthy bodies have been around for thousands of years, before there were magic bullets for instant fat loss marketed on major television stations or promising easy weight loss in flashy colors on the pages of magazines. By embracing your individuality, and learning how to apply the five keys of healthy eating to your own lifestyle, you can transcend these temporary fads and ease into a lifelong habit of living lean.

ACNE - Basic Understanding

Acne is the bane of existence for nearly 17 million people who suffer from some form of acne.

Menopause and Bioidentical Hormones

Can menopause symptoms be safely comforted with bioidentical hormones

Beginners Guide To Fitness

What to do when you are ready to get into shape!

Turn Off the Fat Genes - A Book Review

Once in a while a good title comes along and "Turn Off the Fat Genes" is one of those titles that just have to be written about. If you are not familiar with Dr. Neal Barnards work, he has been writing about how to lose weight on a high carbohydrate diet for at least a decade now.

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