Real Estate Information

Why Americans Find Predatory Lending Offensive

"Menis - the author translates as "indignant rage" - It is the kind of rage arising from social betrayal that impairs a persons dignity through violation of "whats right." p21, Achilles In Viet Nam - Combat Trauma and the Undoing of Character, Jonathan Shay, M.D., Ph D.

Image is Key to Your Marketing Success

In virtually any business first impressions are lasting impressions. Most people have heard this statement for years, and yet some people completely ignore the first impression they are conveying to potential customers or clients.

Anchors Away!

If we want to fill our heads with the doom and gloom society seems to thrive on, all we need to do is turn on the local news at night. To make that quantum leap toward personal happiness and success in life, sometimes we just need to do what so many people seem to be talking about lately: clean house and take personal inventory of the people we associate with most.

Maintaining Small Town Charm In An Ever-Changing World

Virtually any state in the country has the appeal of multiple small towns. Ask almost anyone who lives in small town why they are here and they’ll tell you they enjoy the small town feeling while being close to all the conveniences of a larger city. One of the greatest joys of living in a small town is how familiar people are with one another. When you walk into a store or restaurant you are welcomed by name. As an area grows, you risk losing the “down home” charm.

New Bill to Keep Banks out of Real Estate

This week Congress introduced a bill titled, "Community Choice in Real Estate Act," to permanently ban banking conglomerates from entering real estate brokerage or property management. This is because some of the larger banking conglomerates have requested permission from the Federal Reserve Board to sell and manage real estate. Pretty much every major organization in the real estate industry is backing the bill against banks in real estate.

“Where is America headed to”, New York Millionaire wonders…

Hello! Happy new year. May you live a long healthy life and prosper.

Begging Your Trust in Africa

The syntax is tortured, the grammar mutilated, but the message - sent by snail mail, telex, fax, or e-mail - is coherent: an African bigwig or his heirs wish to transfer funds amassed in years of graft and venality to a safe bank account in the West. They seek the recipients permission to make use of his or her inconspicuous services for a percentage of the loot - usually many millions of dollars. A fee is required to expedite the proceedings, or to pay taxes, or to bribe officials - they plausibly explain.

Complete Home Rehab In 10 Days

This report is about taking a house and restoring it to an aesthetically pleasing dwelling that has reclaimed it’s functional utility. In effect, it is the anti-aging medication for bricks and mortar.

No More Estate Agent Fees

Follow a few simple guidelines, and marketing your own home can be easy. And it will save you thousands.

Customer Service – the Real Estate Revolution

Traditionally, real estate has been viewed as a sales industry. But perceptions are changing. Agents around the country are coming to believe that the key to real estate success is service – not sales.

Personal Branding Techniques for Real Estate Agents and Brokers

A key principle of marketing is to find something unique about what you offer as the basis of your sales message. Even if what you offer is a commodity, there is always one thing unique in your business -- you. A big error made by many Real Estate Agents and Brokers is to try to develop an institutional image like most big companies. People do not like to do business with institutions; they like to do business with people. In advertising terms, branding is the "image" created in the minds of people when they see or hear a name, product or logo. Companies invest a lot of money in creating and maintaining their brand, but the Internet has sparked a new trend called "Personal Branding". Personal branding isnt only important for promoting a product, business or political cause, but also for promoting yourself for advancement within your own organization. It involves developing your personal reputation. Branding can be done to any product, or any person. Before undertaking an exercise in personal branding, however, consider your distinctive strengths and abilities and what they offer the market place. Traditionally personal branding was for sporting celebrities who gained enormous coverage and following through their sporting prowess. Movie stars have also had celebrity status and association since movies began.

How To Get Sellers To Call And Beg You To Take Their Property!

Im going to give you the *basic* steps in my $0 Down Real Estate Investing Program. I outline the program in *detail* in my 324 page e-book. For details about the book. and much, much more!

Networking - Its Important!

Networking opportunities are everywhere. Dont let them pass you by.

Office Set Up

OK, you say, Ive decided to start my business. I have my idea, my identity package, my licensing and zoning done. Now I need to set up my office.

Are You Profiting From O.P.P.

Are you profiting from O.P.P. If not, why not

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