Positive Attitude Tips & Information

Quick Tips On Making Change Work For You

Facing a change and want to make it work for you?

The Power Of AND

Not Amen, just so we're clear on that.

Living Mindfully

Normally I race around multitasking. I am always thinking about a million things while I try and do at least two activities at once. More and more I forget what two things I?m doing and I often feel guilt that I?m not doing either terribly well. This certainly is the lament of every working mom. There is a Zen story that tells of a man charging down a road on a galloping horse. Another man, on the side of the road, yells to the first man, ?Where are you going?? ?I don?t know?, replies the rider, ?Ask the horse.? The horse represents our galloping thoughts pulling us along throughout our day. We don?t know where we are going and we couldn?t stop, even if we did.

The Ultimate In Positive Thinking?

I will never forget an evening in 2003, when I met an amazing gentleman. I had, for several weeks, had a problem with my foot and ankle, having great trouble walking because of the pain. It was a bit swollen, and I thought it was an injury of some sort, although I could not recall how it had happened.

Being Tender With the Ugly Parts of Yourself

Does that title make you cringe? It made me cringe when it popped into my head a few days ago.

Seeing Challenges as Opportunities

Are you a person who loves challenges, or hates them? I must admit I've spent most of my life as a person who hates them. I've always thought of challenges as frustrating, maddening obstacles keeping me from where I want to be. I even used to take them personally, feeling like the universe must hate me and like to see me struggle. ;-)

Challenge Your Perspectives

When I was a young girl, my sister and I used to visit an aunt who had a swimming pool. It was always a treat, as all we had was a small, kiddie pool and sprinkler at home. One summer, we even got to spend a whole week at my aunt's, and we got as red as lobsters, as we were in the water every available minute.

Wahms, Dont Compare Yourself With Others!

Wahms, do you constantly compare yourself with others and come up short?

Management of the Almighty Anger

Apart form the Emotions and the attitude, Anger is a quite unsolved thing. we become angry when things are not according to us or not as we want, or not up to our expectation. We just simply becomes angry to satisfy & gratify our ego, super ego and false ego.

Have a Present Moment!

It was the 10th day of rain, and I walked into the pool locker room feeling a little soggy around the edges. I asked my pool friend, Laurie, how she was and she said, "Bright and cheery. It's a wonderful day and I'm going to accomplish a lot of good things." Laurie, who is recovering from hip surgery and on most days can be seen walking around the locker room with great care, wiggled her cane at me from under the shower.

Managing Life Changes the Tetris Way (or How to Let the Blocks Fall with Skill and Grace)

Are you undergoing a major life change? Or merely trying to manage the daily barrage of things hurtling your way? In either case, you might feel you spend most of your time maneuvering through an endless stream of new challenges.

10 Tips to Improve Your Self Esteem

Striving to improve our self esteem is on everybody?s mind. It doesn?t matter if you actively pursue this goal or you subconsciously working on improving your self esteem. The problem with this is that you really don?t know exactly what you want to improve. You?re acting intuitively on external signals.

Do You Believe What You Think?

If you work toward what you dream, the dream can come true. You can achieve success. You can tell others one day about your success story.

Penury Perpetuates Poverty

So...you might just believe I hide behind computers creating and updating my websites and researching potential markets. Well...I love to spend time "in the street"..."under fire"...where the "action is." As a copywriter wannabe...and I'm learning much...I talk to many people on the street as well as business owners. As a "hands-on" direct marketer, I pass out a lot of publicity pieces...and get a lot of feedback.

Perfect to the Penny

At some point in our careers, we may find ourselves part of an obsolete operation, such as a downsizing, business insolvency, or even a single retail store closing.

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