Nutrition Information

Top Ten Ways to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain

Did you know the average American gains 5-7 pounds every year between Thanksgiving and New Year?s Day? That equates to ingesting at least 17,500 more calories than you burn on a daily basis during that time period. At a minimum, that equals nearly 500 extra calories per day on average over that stretch of days.

Carbohydrates ? Good or Bad?

Carbohydrates have gotten a lot of bad press in the past few years with the advent of low carb diets, but the truth is that not all carbohydrates are ?bad? and, in fact, your body needs carbs to survive.

Food for Potential Energy

FOOD (Macro-nutrients)

Nutrition For Your Young Athlete

Nutrition is extremely important for any young person, especially an athletic one, and even more so during the developmental years of their life. Whether your child is involved in soccer or football, gymnastics or swimming or Little League, he or she needs a good nutritive balance in order to be successful in any endeavor. It cannot be stressed enough that anorexia and bulimia, chronic malnutrition, are absolutely devastating not only to an athlete?s career, but also to overall health and well-being. You should always watch for decreased eating in your child, no matter how robust and healthy they may seem.

7 Bad Eating Habits You Should Change Immediately

People are obsessed with dieting and weight loss! Don't believe me? Just tune-in to any source of're instantly bombarded with the latest diet schemes and "Hollywood" food fads.

5 Ways to Get the Best Out of Radishes

They sit left behind on relish trays. They?re often by-passed in grocery store refrigerator shelves. Dad and Grandpa usually eat them but later complain of belching them up. The poor radish has gotten a bum rap. There are at least five different varieties; but for now, the popular, red globe variety will be spotlighted. They are a great source of vitamin C and an excellent low calorie snack (only 12 calories in a half cup of radishes). Radishes are root vegetables that are classified in the cabbage and mustard family, thus their strong taste.

5 Secrets of Reading Food Labels Revealed

Whether you're concerned about cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or simply losing weight, you want to eat a healthy diet and focus on foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, and balanced in fats, carbs, proteins.

The 9 Most Common Mistakes to Avoid When Reading a Food Label


9 Tips to Stop Food Cravings and Help You With Your Diet

Most of us are "regular" people. We don't eat the perfect diet all the time and have our struggles with food, same as everyone else. But having an awareness of this fact and knowing a little bit about our health and food nutrition can help when it comes to making wise decisions.

3 Important Differences Between White Bread and Whole Wheat

For any kid who grew up eating doughy, thick Wonder Bread for lunch, the encouragement by dietitians and nutritionists to switch to whole wheat bread can be a tough transition.

4 Important Facts You Should Know About Whey Protein

Are you concerned about taking care of your body before and after strenuous activities or workouts? Do you try to avoid supplements that contain additives and possible side effects?

Discover Which Fruit and Vegetables Help Relieve Arthritic Pain

If you or someone you know suffers from rheumatoid arthritis, you know how painful and debilitating it can be. If you haven?t walked a mile in those shoes, you can?t imagine how frustrating it can be. Your doctor may say try this medication, try that. Don?t do this, do that. But sometimes, to no avail. The disease is caused by a misguided immune system attack on the body's own joint tissue, which leads to swelling, pain, stiffness and in some cases deformity. Rheumatoid arthritis is more common among women than men.

5 Tips for Dining Out and Eating Healthily

Here's food for thought! Did you know the average restaurant meal has over 1,000 calories? That's enough to blow any healthy eating plan. Fortunately, by following a few simple guidelines, you can dine out without having to sacrifice good taste and nutrition.

Discover How to Grow Your Own Source of Vitamins, Fiber, Proteins, and More

Sprouts not only taste good, but they are also a great source of vitamins, fiber, protein, anti-oxidants, and enzymes. A sprout is produced when a seed starts growing into a vegetable. Sprouts can grow from the seeds of vegetables, from grains such as buckwheat, and from beans. While Mung beans are perhaps the most common source of sprouts, you can also obtain good results from lentils, soybeans and chickpeas just to name a few.

How The Food Industry Influences Nutrition and Health

When was the last time you consumed soda? Most likely, it wasn?t that long ago. You may even drink several cans or bottles each day. In the U.S, carbonated soft drinks are a huge business. Every year, they generate more than $50 billion in annual sales.

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