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Too Dull? Too Sharp?
You work hard getting the right cover message and words for your brochure. Now, you want to give it a look, an image. Why a look? Most consultants see themselves as hard working and pragmatic. They believe the look of their materials is unimportant. After-all, clients are hiring expertise not looks, right? Not so! People buy people first, ideas second and things third. Your brochure represents you. It is you when you're not around. What sort of image do you want to convey? Would you visit a prospect wearing a cheap, out-of-date suit, looking sad and second-class? Unlikely. However, many people do just that, when they use low-quality, poorly designed brochures. Your brochure represents you when you are not there. Make sure it is dressed in the fashion and quality you would use for yourself. Before you run out and find yourself a tailor or take up sewing, you should first look at your competition's material and other's material. Collect brochures that strike you as effective, and those that are poor. Think of it as fingering through GQ or Vogue looking for a new outfit. Figure out what makes the good brochures work and where the bad brochures fail. What kind of attitude do they portray? Then try to come up with something that combines some of the elements from successful designs. But, be careful, don't create a zoot suit. And, make sure it fits. Look at the layout of your page--is it a dense wall of words? Don't make your prospects work to find out what they need to know--because, bet on it, they won't. Lay your information out in bite-sized pieces, with revealing headings, to help your reader grasp the main message. These are like the accessories you wear. Small signals that give the viewer an indication of what you are like and what you do. Be it a Rolex or a mood ring. Two important, but often unrecognized, problems with brochures are poor grammar and poor typography. You might as well wear brown shoes with a blue suit. Your audience may not know what is amiss with your materials, but they'll be disturbed. Use high-quality, and appropriate, visuals (colours, graphics, etc.) to illuminate and support your message. If you use clip art, choose it carefully. Use the same style and quality of art throughout your brochure. And, make sure it relates to what it is illustrating. That is, make sure your tie matches your suit. Poor visuals will only get in the way and muddle your message. You don't have to dress like a Bay Street lawyer, and your brochure doesn't have to be glossy. Dressing comfortably, yet appropriately, is the key and the same holds true for designing a brochure. You wouldn't wear black tie to a picnic, so why design a brochure that's black tie when your target is chips and dip. Or vice versa. The bottom line: a poor brochure, like an cheap outfit, will damage you more than it will help; it's a waste of time and money, while a good brochure is your company's representative, a reflection of you. Keith Thirgood, Creative Director Capstone Communications Group Helping businesses get more business through innovative marketing Markham, Ontario, Canada 905-472-2330 Subscribe to Thrive-on-line http://list.capstonecomm.com/mail.cgi?f=list&l=thrive_on_line
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Brand Warfare is More of a War than You Think We will discuss Brand Marketing for a minute. In this discussion we would like to talk about brand line extension and how to do it correctly. First we are not sure if you have been looking in the grocery stores lately, but you might have been noticing some very interesting things amongst America's top selling brands, this has been increasing for about the last 5-years. For instance look at GE Light bulbs sometime. They have not only the original light bulb that GE is known for they now have; Soft Pink, Crystal Clear, Original, Standard, Miser (The energy saving light bulb), and of course Party Light Bulbs in colors of yellow, red, green, blue, and orange. Understand Brand Branding has been defined, explained and examined extensively. There are books, articles, publications, seminars, and groups all dedicated to exploring the meaning and use of brand today. Are You Brand Worthy? Are You Brand Worthy? Branding is a one hot topic, although it is wildly misunderstood. To make things even more confusing, branding is often tossed in the same basket as marketing which makes its application to an entrepreneur or sole-practioner even more unclear. Don?t Overlook Your Email When Considering Your Brand Identity You wouldn't skip letterhead when sending out a sales letter - Or would you? Notable News - The Branding Myth How many times have you heard of seen advertising for a graphic design company that states that they do branding? Santa - The Brand Every Christmas Eve, a burglar named Santa busts into homes around the world, but he has never been charged with B&E. He has one of the best, most positive brands around and it continues to inoculate him against any hint of impropriety, as it has for generations. Clouds Gather Before A Storm: Utilizing The Power Of Brand How brand management can help utility organisations to create a 'difference'. Branding Your Radio or TV Campaign With A Musical Identity (aka Audo Logo, aka Jingle) You don't think twice about a business card and letterhead logo for the visual aspect of your campaign, why not an audio logo to brand your broadcast campaign? Brand Extension; Going from Consumer to Commercial As more and more home pressure washers are sold at leading retailers such as Wal-Mart, Sears, Home Depot, Cosco, etc. We are seeing companies offer products in brand line extension to service this niche. Armor All is the newest company to offer it's brand name customer loyalty to sell these products. They of course have been heavy into the Car Wash Industry with National Networks of Distributors in Canada and The US and Europe for tire cleaners and protectants, now they are offering a concrete cleaner for home pressure washer do-it-yourselfers. All About Branding In this article i will explain how you can make your brand an succes. 9 Keys to an Effective Logo The right logo, with the right characteristics, will boost your visibility, credibility and memorablity ? which means more business for you! The Secrets of Starting Business Successfully Starting Business Secrets will help you to start your own business successfully. Brand Identity Guru - Is Your Brand Vital? The world is not waiting for you?or your product or service. Or your firm. Or your firm's message. They're getting along just fine without you. Until you give them a reason to think otherwise, it'll continue that way. This isn't news, though. That's why you advertise and market. But so does every other business out there. What are the chances you'll be noticed? Almost nil. Unless? Your Brand is Your Promise! (So What Are You Promising?) When people mention the word "brand" they usually mean a well known, well defined company. That's why consumers frequently mention names such as Target, Rolex, Apple, BMW and others who have done an excellent job in crafting an image and sticking with it. Buyers know what to expect from these companies, and as long as these companies meet that expectation, they will continue to imprint their brand in the minds of our their audience. It's pretty simple really, if you just keep in mind these two principals. Internet Branding Having been in the franchising business all my life and understanding how hard it is to build a brand, I have probably read every other popular book on the subject. Some are good and most are excellent, as each one helps give you ideas on setting the stage for your brand marketing objectives. Branding on the Internet is somewhat new as before 1995 there was little if any Internet to speak of. One book I can recommend is: How To Create A Brand That Sticks Most people, when they hear the word branding, think logos - but in fact, branding is really much more than that. A brand involves blending the image, purpose, and focus of your business, with your core marketing message, and coming up with something which will stick in the minds of people who encounter it. As a business or an independent professional, it is who you are and what you do, packaged neatly, clearly, and memorably. A logo is only a tangible representation that works to reinforce a brand. How A Crazy Branding Stunt Can Bring Results For Years As a beginner, you would be forgiven for thinking that marketing is simply advertising your product or service, how wrong you are. Branding Article: Pepsis Missed Brand Opportunity I love Pepsi. It's that slightly sweeter taste and the all-American logo combined with the non-conformist statement that, well, it's not Coke. Great Brands Depend On Attention To The Brand Architecture Do you have the architecture in place to make sure each and every brand contact sends the right message? How to Write Classified Ads that Get Results Now. SELLING DIRECTLY FROM A CLASSIFIED AD ![]() |
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