Sales Training Information

9 TIPS: Dont Sell Me - Persuade Me

We all have something in our past we believe someone ?sold? us. It might have been a lemon yellow car, a skimpy skirt or a purple tie. We bought it because -despite our gut feeling - we thought we were doing the right thing. We wanted to please the salesman - and we believed that person knew more than we did. Until we got home.

Dont Read This Issue: Why Saying No Can Make Your Sales Rate Soar!

Yes, it's true. Saying "No" is a great way of getting people to want what you've got even more.

Are You Missing Out On Sales Through Fear of Pain? Improve the Persuasive Power of Your Words!

Education plus Motivation is a powerful formula. But how do you ensure the motivation level in your prospective customers or yourself, for that matter, is really as high as it could be? Easy. You make sure to build pain into your motivation strategy. Our basic survival instincts mean that given a choice between finding pleasure or avoiding pain - we'll usually opt to avoid pain.

Evaluating Your Customer

It is one thing to make a sales presentation, but it is another thing to make a sales presentation without first evaluating your customer. For all you know, you could be selling your customer something that they already have, or something they don?t want, don?t need, or can?t afford.

Making Sales is Easy When You Learn How to Make Friends

Friends buy from friends. Why? Because people trust that their friends will go above and beyond the duties of a typical salesperson. They know that their friends will give them friendly, honest help and provide them with the product that is perfect for their needs. In return, these people develop into loyal customers who are happy to support their friend?s business with continued sales and referrals.

Be Yourself

Here?s the thing... you still have to make every marketing and sales message all about the WIIFM* for your target audience. But it?s how you do this ? the words you choose and your behavior ? that makes the connection with the marketplace all about you.

Qualifying vs closing

The art of effective question asking (qualifying) determines the effectiveness and the success of the "close".EXAMPLE: Let's assume you're a candy sales rep. You sell both chocolate and non-chocolate candy. I'm your potential customer. You know nothing about me but you're trying to sell me chocolate candy. You proceed to tell me how great the candy tastes, how exquisite the texture is, how incredible the quality of the chocolate is, and, by the way, how affordable this candy is because your company is doing a promotion on this outstanding chocolate candy. However, you don't sell me a single piece of chocolate candy. WHY?You assumed I liked chocolate candy and I would buy it based on the information you provided. But the most important thing you forgot to identify or ask me is "do you like chocolate candy?".The answer is "no, I hate chocolate candy?". But since you never took the time to understand me as your potential new customer, you lost today's sale and future sales a well. Better Approach: I'm still the customer, you're still the candy sales rep. You're still promoting chocolate candy. The difference is - upon meeting me and establishing a rapport, your first question might be."Do you like chocolate candy?".My response "no, I never eat chocolate candy".Your response "you never eat chocolate candy, why?".My response "because I'm allergic to it". QUESTION: Do you believe it would make any difference to me, the customer, how the chocolate looks, tastes, is processed, or even how affordable it is? Your answer should be "no". However, just because I don't eat chocolate candy doesn't mean I don't know a number of other people who love chocolate candy. Also, you sell hard candy not just chocolate candy, so maybe the next question would be:"Do you eat any kind of candy?".My response "occasionally".Your response "when you say occasionally, how often is that?".My response "2 to 3 times per month".Your response "when you do eat candy, what type of candy do you eat?"My response "hard-type, mint candies".Your response "have you ever tasted our incredible hard, mint candies?".GET THE PICTURE? "Its all about asking, not selling." Once you have identified what's important to me, the customer, you have positioned yourself to sell me what I want - not what you have.

How To Stop Chasing Prospects Forever!

Perhaps the biggest challenge faced by salespeople is the problem of chasing prospects. In this article I?ll explain exactly why that happens, and how you can avoid it entirely and make prospects chase you instead.

Catapult Your Business?How to Get Customers to Chase You Instead of the Other Way Around

I was thinking about the statement:

Unleash Your Inner Sales Superstar & Win More Business Right Now!

It?s a rainy afternoon on a typical mid week afternoon and the telesales team isn?t firing on all cylinders. Cedric really isn?t pulling his weight at all. He?s been pushing papers around his desk for most of the afternoon and is having a miserable time. His sales figures are below target, his call statistics are below average and he knows that winning the lottery is as likely as him turning it around before the end of the month. John the sales manager also knows that Cedric isn?t performing and decides to run a coaching session with him to try and sort things out. So far so good.

5 Small Steps To Ultimate Sales Success

?Selling worth doing is worth doing badly ? at first!? ~ Gavin Ingham, 2002

Get Leverage & Increase Your Sales Results Immediately!

Have you ever started something and not completed it? Or maybe there?s something that you know that you should do but you just don?t seem to get around to it? Or perhaps there?s something that you know would benefit from more attention / more focus but you just don?t give it the attention that it deserves?

Body Language, Five Key Ingredients

When making your living in the sales industry, and working with people, it is important to not only get your point across verbally, but you want to allow for your body language to send a clear message as well.

The First Step to Stress-Free Selling (TM)

Step 1: Get Ready - Create a foundation you can build on. This step involves prospecting and pre-call planning. Approach businesses randomly and you will: 1) Call businesses unsuitable for your magazine 2) Who don?t believe in advertising and 3) Are unlikely to advertise with you. Then appeal to them by doing homework before m contact. You will make sales more often contacting businesses inclined to advertise with you.

Simple Technique for Isolating Objections

To isolate any objection quickly you can use this effective and powerful sentence - "Aside from "that" is there anything else?"Here's how it works: You're a water softener salesperson, I'm your prospect. In the qualifying steps of the sales process you have identified a few concerns that I've shared with you:1. Cost 2. Financing 3. Company CredibilityLet's review and address these individuallyYou say: "Teri, you mentioned three areas of concern - cost, financing, and company credibility. Aside from these 3 concerns, is there anything else?"My response: "No."Your response: "Of these three, which is most important to you?"My Response: "Financing."Your response: "When you say financing, could you be more specific?"My response: "I have recently emerged from bankruptcy and am concerned about being approved."Your response: "Aside from bankruptcy, are there any other financial issues?"My response: "No."Your response: "OK, if financing is your primary concern and we can work that out, would you move forward on completing the application process today?"My response: "No."Your response: "Is there a specific reason?"My response: "Yes, I'm concerned about the total cost of the unit."Your response: "When you say the total cost are you referring to the total cost of the unit and interest - or are you referring to the monthly investments?"My response: "The monthly investments."Your response: "Let's talk about what would be comfortable for you on a monthly basis so that I'm in a better position to help you move forward and not only receive the water softener but begin the process of repairing your credit as well."My response: "OK."Your response: "The monthly payment will be determined by three things: The down payment, if any, the term of the financing, and the interest rate. Will you be putting any money down?My response: "No."Your response: "What dollar amount between $100 and $200 per month would you be comfortable with?"My response: "$125.00 would be comfortable."Your response: "OK, if we're in a position to finance you with no money down and payments of $125.00 per month, would you move forward with completing the application while we're together today." My response: "Yes."You're probably wondering what happened to the company credibility issue. It really wasn't a concern at all, as identified when continuing to isolate the real objection - MONEY. Recap: The purpose of this simple, yet powerful sentence ("Aside from "that" is there anything else?"), is to eliminate all objections prior to the "close."

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