Love Relationships: Focusing on What went Right

What's all the Hype about Love Relationships, Anyway?

Love relationships are not what they're cracked up to be. They take real effort -- things like: admiration, commitment, dedication, devotion, forgiveness, encouragement, strength, inspiration, motivation, understanding, compassion, hope, desire, steadfastness, and so much more. What people don't realize (when they enter relationships) is love, though a beautiful thing, takes honest-to-goodness work -- on both ends.

If one can imagine two halves of an element - one side cannot function properly without the other; thus, it takes two halves to form a whole system of energy. A good example of what can transpire (in scientific terms), is the splitting of an atom. So long as the neutrons are coupled with protons, the atom is complementary...peaceful. In other words, the two halves make a harmonious whole. When separated, the atom becomes volatile, explosive and lethal. It is this combination that acts in accordance to each other. This analogy is a perfect example of what love relationships are supposed to accomplish. (1 person + 1 person = 1 Whole.) Two persons, in love, enter into a "whole" relationship.

What is often misconstrued is how effectively two individuals are driven to work together. The initial notion is that, in a love relationship, each is to supply 50% to achieve 100%. This assumption could not be further from the truth. In love relationships, individual partners must contribute one-hundred percent to one another. There is no 50/50, 70/30, 0/100...only 100/100.

If we think in terms of jobs or school tests -- when we give only 50 percent, then we're obviously failing miserably at our job or in school. If we give 70 percent, we're just holding our heads above water, but we're not truly happy. But if both partners give 100 percent, they're passing with flying colors...they find peaceful contentment and can reap the rewards of what a love relationship is supposed to be. Any goal, even in love, can be reached when we commit ourselves to giving our all.

Love relationships are a growing experience, and the longer we are committed to our partner, the more changes and growth will occur over time. How we adapt to those changes and growth (with our own response mechanisms) is entirely up to us.

When encountering difficult situations (in love), we try to discover the root cause; or we backtrack our steps to see what went haywire. It's a natural reaction. Instead of focusing on what went wrong, we need to redirect our attention to "what went right." Yes, what went right. If we preoccupy ourselves with all the "bad" or "negative" events in our lives, then we are doing a disservice to not only our emotional wellbeing, but our physical wellbeings as well.

Let's think about that phrase: what went right? When we gear our mental plane toward the positive happenings, encounters, and love in our lives, we are creating a more open-minded proactive atmosphere that allows us to find compassion, understanding and yes, true love.

So what's all the hype about love relationships? Love relationships can bring happiness, empowerment, positivity, and even inspiration.

When was the last time you told your partner that you loved him/her? The last time you held hands? Kissed? Took a walk along the beach together? Embraced each other? Today, enjoy the nostalgia -- focus on "What went right" and the rest will fall into place.

PS. If you're having difficulty in your love relationship, it's never too late to seek Counseling or Relationship help.

© Love Relationships: Focusing on What went Right - All Rights Reserved By, C. Bailey-Lloyd/Lady Camelot

C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot is the Public Relations Director & Staff Writer for Holistic Junction -- Your source of information for Naturopathic Practitioners; Naturopathic Schools; other Alternative Healthcare; Insightful Literature and so much more!

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