Sales Information

The Prejudging Predicament

There?s a direct correlation between sales experience and prejudging.  The more sales and marketing experience you have the greater the tendency to prejudge your customers and prospects. 

15 Ways To Get Really Motivated

First, recognize that motivation is an inside job.  The word motivate means to impel, inspire, hope, stimulate, incite, propel, spur, goad, move, induce, prompt, instigate, fire, provoke, actuate, cause, egg on, drive, excite, and to trigger.  Don?t wait for someone to motivate you, here are 15 ways you can motivate yourself.

Hurrican Selling Styles

As I prepare this issue of this Newsletter, at 37,000 feet on my way to Greenville South Carolina, the east coast is being battered by a Hurricane.

The Doors Of Opportunity

Alexander Graham Bell once said, "When one door closes another opens; but we often look so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that is opened for us." If you?re in sales you gotta remember this one.

First, Fast, And Foremost . . .

First - being before all others.  Fast - moving or able to move quickly.  Foremost - first in rank, order, or place.  Wouldn?t you like to be first, fast, and considered foremost  in your business.  Obviously, the correct answer is yes.  Here are nine tips, hints, and practical ideas to get you on your way.  These sales tips work.

Before You Sell Do The Math

This is an important and potentially profitable piece of advice. It goes like this - before you ever attempt to sell any products and services - do the math.

Smooth Sailing (Selling) In The Second Half of The Year

You can make a difference in the second half! You can't do it by doing the same things the same way.

How To Take The Right Steps To Increase Your Selling Results

Steps - it is unrealistic for most salespeople to expect to make a sale in a single step. Most sales don't end after a single phone call. If you?re selling a complex product or service you won't get the order after a single face-to-face sales call. There are a number of steps involved in making a sale. If you want to make more sales, more quickly, more profitably, and do it more often you need your own personalized selling model.

Leave a Better Voice Mail Message

Yesterday I received a call from a financial planner named Richard doing a cold call. My policy is to always return those calls which help me to understand why I would personally benefit from doing business with a sales person. This one didn?t, so it ended up getting deleted.

5 Ideas for Writing Effective Sales Letters

Sales letters, sent via e-mail or snail mail, are an effective and inexpensive way to get your message out. Even if your letter goes out to thousands of people, it can give the feel of a personal communication ? IF you write it in a direct and conversational tone.

A Quick and Simple Tip For Gaining Customers

In the course of my career, I?ve had to deal with a lot of vendors?software companies, sensor manufacturers, electronics distributors and more. Some of them have left lasting impressions on me, whereas others have been eminently forgettable. I?d like to talk about two of the more memorable vendors, and the simple technique that they used (perhaps unknowingly) which made them stand out in my memory.

Lead Generation Sins - 7 Of Them!

I really just don?t get it.

Asking The Right Questions

On an introductory call, how do you gather all of the information that you need from a prospect? An introductory call is usually fairly short, just a few minutes. You generally do not have the time to thoroughly question your prospect and then also move on to your next step, setting that introductory meeting. So, how do you gather enough information to qualify your prospect and, at the same time, set up the meeting?

Grow Your Business By Increasing the Value of Each Sale - 29 Ideas to Spur Your Brain

There are 3 ways to grow any business:

Selling Against Goliath

Selling Against Goliath?

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