Sales Information

Top 10 Ways to Sell your Product or Service While you Sleep - Part 1

Have you wasted valuable time and money on promotion that doesn't work? Have your announcements and news releases been ignored? Have you been too quiet about getting the word out how your product or service will help solve people's problems?

Top 10 Ways to Sell your Product or Service While you Sleep - Part 2

Part one of this article is available at

Selling Is Not A Dirty Word

Selling--a word that strikes terror in writers and professionals. We love to write. We love our work. We love to speak. We hate to SELL.

Letting Them Use Plastic

Obtaining merchant status will help to increase your sales.

Ten Tips for Choosing the Right Direct Sales Company

Direct sales can be your ticket to a profitable home-based business. There's low risk and low overhead - and you'll find lots of conversation, creativity, and cooperation among the company's representatives. But how do you know which company is right for you? Here are ten things to look for as you research your options.

Why Write a Sales Letter for Each Product?

Authors/publishers are great at getting their books written. Entrepreneurs know their products.  But after the initial one-year honeymoon, sales slow down. To counter this make sure your ebook, product, or service you offer will keep on selling from the first day, the first year, even for life. Write a short sales letter for each product or ebook.

Sell More Products and Services with Testimonials

Testimonials are all-important to sell anything. You may already have testimonials for your new book and service, but do you have testimonials for other promotional pieces?

60 Ways to Increase Your Mail Order Catalog Sales

This article is meant to inform.  Please don't construe this as legal advice.

101 Ways to Improve Your Direct Mail Response

1.  Mail to your customers more often.  If you are now mailing 4times a year, increase the frequency of your mailings to 6 or 8times.  If you increase your mailings by 25%, you shouldincrease your sales by at least the same percentage.

Why Arent They Buying?

You've polished your sales page over and over againuntil it's gleaming with benefits. You're gettingplenty of traffic. And still - no sales.

Tapping The Potential Of Your Customers

Business owners of long standing know the cardinal rule ?take care of your existing customers first?. Today especially we see business owners looking constantly for the new customer. Hey, did you forget the customers you have. All of us want our businesses to grow. However, after a number of years, depending on your business, you might reach a point where your business starts to taper off. You find you are not getting any new clients. Before you throw in the towel, realize that you still have your current customers. Why not try to increase volume and steady revenue with your current customer base.

Nine Keys to Make your Sales Copy Convincing

Would you pay $12,500 to discover the keys to great sales copy? Maybe not, but Brian Keith Voiles did. And he put it to use for Fortune 500 Companies.  You may not have that kind of promotion money, so here are the nine keys for FREE. Be sure you cover all of them in the right order.

Selling the Dr. Seuss Way

?I am Sam. Sam I am. Do you like green eggs and ham? Would you like them here or there? Would you like them in a box, would you like them with a fox??

Two Mistakes That Will Cost You Money

You?ve met a new prospect, accurately assessed their needs and determined that you can provide the product and service she is looking for. You?ve presented your information in an engaging manner and the prospective customer appears interested. Many salespeople now make one or two very fatal mistakes that cost them the sale.

Pinging for Success: Creating Search Patterns

One of my first internship jobs as a college student was working for a defense company who, at the time, developed a highly sophisticated torpedo for hunting down submarines and destroying them. The operation of the torpedo was pretty fascinating. The torpedo was launched from the deck of a ship or dropped from a helicopter into the water.

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