Article Writing Information

Top 10 Benefits Of Submitting Articles To E-zines

When I started Ezine-In-A-Box I wanted to help people publish their own email newsletter without writing a single word. However, there are many benefits to writing articles and submitting them to other ezines. Below is 10 good reasons you should be writing and submitting articles to ezines.

Exposing Your Expertise

Writing and leveraging articles is my most successful strategy for promoting my Website and my speaking and consulting services. Visitors to your site from targeted articles tend to be higher quality leads than those from search engines, and potential buyers like to see that you're published in many credible outlets.

Energize Your Mind With Inspirational Writing Exercises

Feeling uninspired? Like you're stuck in a rut with your writing?

Stimulate Your Writing With Some Creative Exercises

Abandon your frustrations and get a fresh start by trying some writing activities to spark your creativity.

Whats YOUR Angle?

So how can you make your article worth reading?

Giving Yourself the Right to Write

"But I've only been on the Internet 3 months! How can I write an article?? That was my reaction back in 1999 when I began my online career and heard that writing articles was the key to bringing targeted visitors to my website.

10 Tips For Getting More Traffic From Your Articles

Here's a depressing fact if you sell anything on the web: the #1 reason people go online is not to buy things but to find free information.

Article Syndication for Better Search Engine Position

If you're sick of being #987 for your best Google keywordphrase, here are simple-to-implement changes that canskyrocket your listing (and they don't have anything to dowith what is ON your page!)

Top Seven Tips for Writing Articles on the Internet

Online readers love information, but be sure your information is crisp, clean, clear and concise.

Top Ten Ways to Format and Leverage your Articles Success - Part 1

You want your business to be noticed by thousands daily. Online ezine publishers and webmasters are constantly looking for new, original content. They want and need your articles. This is a promotion marriage made in heaven. But you will have a much better chance of being chosen if you write an article that solves a problem for your audience. Give each article an angle.

Top Ten Ways to Format and Leverage your Articles Success - Part 2

You want your business to be noticed by thousands daily. Online ezine publishers and webmasters are constantly looking for new, original content. They want and need your articles. This is a promotion marriage made in heaven. But you will have a much better chance of being chosen if you write an article that solves a problem for your audience. Give each article an angle.

How To Edit Your Articles As You Write

Increase your ezine subscribers by submitting articles once or twice a week to the opt-in ezines. Read by thousands, even hundreds of thousands, you get 10-25 new subscribers for each submission. Your articles also bring people to your Web site to buy your products. Use this checklist to edit your own work.

A Writers Glossary (Part One)

Find definitions from A to G!

A Writers Glossary (Part Two)

Find definitions from H to P...

A Writers Glossary (Part Three)

Find definitions from Q to Z...

More Articles from Article Writing Information:
2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25

How AI Took Away My Writing Career  Book and Film Globe

I caught the writing bug  University at Buffalo The Spectrum

Opinion | AI and the Death of Student Writing  The Chronicle of Higher Education

Writing for Times Higher Education  Times Higher Education

The process of writing a book  Inside Higher Ed

COLUMN: Writing about writing  Indiana Daily Student

How Creative Writing Can Increase Students’ Resilience  Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

How Journaling Can Help You in Hard Times  Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley

The J. D. Vance I Knew  The Atlantic

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