Creating A Vision ? Bringing Your Dreams Into Reality

Do you have some goals you want to achieve or dreams you want to fulfill? A useful tool in reaching the outcomes you desire is the creation of a vision, which can be short or long-term. I recommend writing down specifics to add clarity and focus.

What is a vision?

Here's one definition by Thomas Leonard.

"It is a state or outcome that a person can see naturally and that inspires them. In other words, they are drawn, attracted, and pulled toward what they see. It's exciting, and there is very little emotional cost. In fact, joy is often present. It's not a reason for living." Visions evolve and change over time reflecting who you are - your passions, values, needs, and desires.

*Visions evolve and change over time reflecting who you are - your passions, values, needs, desires etc.*

Powerful Visioning

Written as a story, single sentences, drawn as a picture, a collage... visions can take whatever shape is most meaningful to you. The point? Here's a few....

1. How do you know what you want if you don't define it? 2. How will you know when you get there if you don't know where there is? 3. By putting things down on paper, makes what you think or say - REAL. 4. Saying and seeing what you truly want in your life opens you up to HAVING it! 5. Allows you to step back and view your life from a fresh or new perspective. 6. Creates hope and possibility. 7. Compels you to MOVE and get what you want!

Questions that evoke clarity in creating a vision:

¨ What do you truly want to experience or accomplish this year for yourself, personally and professionally?

¨ Where do you want to see your life a year from now?

¨ What do you want to change/add/eliminate in your life?

¨ If money was not an issue, what would you be doing?

¨ What brings you joy? Makes your heart sing?

¨ Describe your perfect life

" Imagination is everything" - Albert Einstein

I'm a believer in working with visioning and clear intentions for creating power-full outcomes. Imagine yourself on the 31st day of December looking back over this past year. What changes do you want to see? What challenges have you overcome? What are you most proud of having accomplished? Who have you become? Ready to make a 100-day commitment to get what you want?

Three steps to creating a powerful vision

1. First, create a clear vision/intention. It's important to get a clear vision of the outcome you want. Be specific about what you really, really, want! Write about it and share it with supportive people. Give voice to your vision.

2. Second, create an inspiring connection. Take five minutes per day to open your heart and mind to focus on your vision feeling the joy of that vision already fulfilled. Isn't it worth five minutes a day to get what you want? Set a regular time each day to envision the outcome you want and to feel the joy of it. Make this a daily ritual. Consciously revisit the intention of your vision throughout the day to keep the energy flowing.

3. The third step - take meaningful action. Vision and connection without action is just a great idea. Identify 5 actions that will move you closer to living your vision. As you complete each step, celebrate your wins and continue to add the next action steps that keep invested in the process of attracting and achieving the desired outcome. * Remember to celebrate along the way!

Note: Creating a vision, making a connection, and taking action will be dramatically affected if you are sabotaging your success!

Here's an example of how self-sabotage can impact the success of your vision/intention:

1. Your vision is to have more personal time. You create a vision of what that would look like (reading more, having free time, an exercise regime, leaving work earlier, delegating more tasks, setting boundaries with others, etc).

2. Your self-defeating beliefs (what you think) may be - what your role is for others, needing to please people for approval and/or love, being self-ish etc.

3. Your self-defeating behaviors (what you do) may be - inability to say no, difficulty in setting and reinforcing boundaries, trying to take care of everybody, doing it ALL, etc.

To change a behavior, you must first change your attitude. That can be part of your vision - changing/replacing a self-defeating/limiting belief.

* Need help to stay on track? Hire a coach!

Copyright 2003, Lorraine Cohen


Lorraine Cohen of Powerfull Living ( is a Business Coach and Life Strategist and Team Member of Solo-E ( Lorraine Cohen is a Business Coach & Life Strategist who brings more than 25 years of experience in life coaching, counseling, and sales. She helps people through career change, life transitions, and the process of breaking through FEAR and removing barriers to success.

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