A New Pair of Shoes

Do the New

An old pair of shoes

Do you have a really comfortable pair of shoes? They may be slippers or tennis shoes. It doesn't matter what kind of shoes, just so comfortable that you can slip into them like an old habit. These are the kind of shoes that you can't wait to get into after a hard day of work. Like Mr. Rogers slipping on his blue pair of Keds. Won't you be my neighbor?

I have a pair of shoes like that. They are so comfortable that I could probably fall asleep in them. And that may be the problem.

A new pair of shoes

Do you remember when you were a kid and got the new pair of tennis shoes? I bet you felt like you could run faster and jump higher when you put them on. We recently bought my son a new pair of Batman tennis shoes. He took off! I didn't even have to wind him up.

How do you feel when you are dressed to the hilt and you are wearing a brand new pair of quality dress shoes? You are invincible aren't you?

Comfortable habits like comfortable shoes are nice to have, but I want to encourage you to try on a new pair of shoes every once in a while. Trying something new, like a new pair of shoes, may be uncomfortable at first, but it will make you feel like you can run faster, jump higher and be just plain invincible.

If this new thing stretches your comfort zone and your imagination, do it. If this new thing is a little uncomfortable, do it. If this new thing ir very uncomfortable, do it NOW!

No one ever grew by staying put and staying comfortable. Go get a new pair of shoes today.

Steve Brummet is a communication expert, writer and speaker.

Steve's company specializes in working with organizations of all types to help their people increase productivity and profit and decrease stress by improving communication skills. As a writer, Steve has been published in Parenting Success, People of Faith and Family-content.com

Steve says his clients include a Lions Club in Sherman Texas, his mother in law's ladies group and


His wife and four children will listen to him for JUST a little while. http://www.communicationspeaker.com



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