Information on Finding Happiness

7 Things Happy People Know How To Do

Ever notice how some people just seem to be able to be content and bounce back no matter what the circumstances? Research shows that this isn?t a gift or a talent ? it?s a skill that they have developed. Surprised? Well, the real surprise is that you too can put to work their techniques and make your life happier too.

Joy Is Sexy

Joy is sexy because in embracing our joy, we embrace our positive energy and power. Joy is always there, waiting to be reclaimed. It is the bridge between living life by default and embracing life by positive design. Get sexy this week and remember that no one can tell us what to think or feel. Events and other people cannot steal our access to personal joy unless we decide to give up our personal power.

Discover a Momentary Miracle

Each moment is filled with miracles ? very special treasures to discover. All we need to do to see miracles is look with a spirit of gratitude.

How A Psychovirus May Be Destroying Your Life

A pervasive sense of low self-esteem, a feeling of unworthiness, is perhaps the most debilitating belief system that you can entertain.

Discover the 10 Golden Rules on How To Conquer Your Fear

We all want happiness and peace of mind. In the search for these blessings, millions of people take "happy pills" which they hope will relieve their tensions and make them feel more cheerful.

10 Ideas to Jump Start Your Self-Confidence

To begin feeling that first spark of self-confidence within you, try as many of these as you like. It's important to enjoy yourself along the way. Have fun!

It?s Good to be Goofy

To paraphrase a saying my mother liked to use occasionally, ?The whole world is goofy ? except you and me. And sometimes I?m not too sure about you!?

Get Out Those Legos

Many of my clients are working harder than smarter. This is not a put-down of their intelligence. It is a statement about the conventions of the way most of us live and work. Without a concerted effort to step back and take an objective look at how we function day in and day out, we find ourselves subject to old ways of doing things without periodic checkups to see if they are working.

Sweeten Up Your Life

Sometimes life experiences can be like a lemon-flavored Tootsie Roll Pop. Hard and sour on the outside. Soft and sweet on the inside. Take getting dumped in a relationship for instance. Facing life alone can be tough for many people. Yet, there are behind-the-scenes benefits to every predicament! There?s even a sweet treat hidden within the experience of losing a lover.

Are You Doing What You Love Each And Every Day?

It is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day stress of everyday life: deadlines to meet, schedules to keep, unexpected expenses, conflicts to resolve, illness of loved ones, to name a few. Amidst all this, it is easy to for me to lose sight of why I do what I do - my purpose for being. I discovered my passion and my purpose over seven years ago. It was the catalyst for starting my business, The Center for Balanced Living in 1996. It is what led me to my purpose which is to empower you to live out your dreams with ease and abundance. Sometimes I get caught up in the external factors and forget to focus on what is really important. It is then that I must remind myself why I am here. It is a grounding place for me.

You Can?t See Your Own Eyes

My friend called me this morning from her favorite coffee shop. She was taking a break from work. I sensed frustration in her voice. Something clearly was on her mind. After a few minutes of small talk I invited her to tell me what was going on.

Being Happy

How can one be happy? Is it a tough question? To some it may be but not to all of us.

Getting In Touch With Your Inner Feelings

Every disease or ailment, whether it be cancer, diabetes, arthritis, high blood pressure or something else, has a series of warning signs. In ever case, when we experience an abnormality, we tend to move quickly to do something to get back to normal. Our physical feelings tell us when we?re well, and they also tell us when we?re not well. If we want to live a long and healthy life we had better pay attention to our physical feelings.

Ways to Bring Play into Your Life

1. roll around in the grass, and don?t brush the grass off.

Got Play?

Passion Love Action You! Playing with your own divinity, spirit, heart, and spreading it around you. YES! When I share with people that I?m a play activist, most people look perplexed. Totally cool, I get that. What thirty year old says ?I LOVE TO PLAY? while doing kart-wheels endlessly? It?s not common, yet it?s getting there.

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