The Proper Way To Use The robot.txt File

Jimmy Whisenhunt

When optimizing your web site most webmasters don’t consider using the robot.txt file. This is a very important file for your site. It let the spiders and crawlers know what they can and can not index. This is helpful in keeping them out of folders that you do not want index like the admin or stats folder.

Here is a list of variables that you can include in a robot.txt file and there meaning:

  1. User-agent: In this field you can specify a specific robot to describe access policy for or a “*” for all robots more explained in example.
  2. Disallow: In the field you specify the files and folders not to include in the crawl.
  3. The # is to represent comments

Here are some examples of a robot.txt file

User-agent:  *


The above would let all spiders index all content.

Here another

User-agent:  *

Disallow:  /cgi-bin/

The above would block all spiders from indexing the cgi-bin directory.

User-agent:  googlebot


User-agent:  *

Disallow:  /admin.php

Disallow:  /cgi-bin/

Disallow:  /admin/

Disallow:  /stats/

In the above example googlebot can index everything while all other spiders can not index admin.php, cgi-bin, admin, and stats directory. Notice that you can block single files like admin.php.

About The Author

Jimmy Whisenhunt is the webmaster at VIP Enterprises

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