Peace in the Middle East

Peace in the Middle East - whoa that is a toughie.

You have millennia of sheople being led around by the nose while abusing their mothers and daughters on both (or all eight or nine) sides of the issue and then there is all that oil that corpserists backing the US are in need of.

I suspect there needs to be real ecumenicism and the religions must be forced (which will require Bush or someone also admitting all religions say the same things) to say so. And then it will take years of re-programming before the land so full of holes and ass-holes begins to deserve any recognition as a Holy Land rather than a playground for Holy Empires.

Then I would suggest that we use Free Energy or alternative energy sources and begin making it clear there is an abundance of energy all around us. If we had to we could simply get Helium III from the moon for some purposes that the Tesla (Newman, Farnsworth, Fleischmann-Pons, Solar, Bearden and Vacuum etc) energy did not find application suitable to match the requirements. This would diffuse the arbitrageurs who love unrest more than a little and be detrimental to the oil cartels (Bushco).

Finally and most unlikely if people continue to believe the history they are taught in school - We must remove special status for people who hide behind corporate or national veils. It was only recently that corporations were given superior rights to any individual. At the same time we must reduce national interests while increasing local autonomy. The futurists like Toffler have been right about this happening in Europe but they could have explained why the plan set in motion in the 19th Century would lead to the EEC.

This same plan might be necessary if Nations are to continue in their present sovereign (derived from Kings who were said to be Divine) status. I would hope that will not happen but it is apparent in the words of Woolsey and Bennett that it is the plan. It is in fact the way that Kissinger Associates have laid out the NSS document that George II calls a War on Terra.

On the other hand if people started learning the Hegelian Dialectic of history - then real change could occur. Then standing armies would be outlawed and women would be free. How can people be educated about all the lies of Nations and leaders and yet still have some hope for mankind?"

Author of Diverse Druids
Columnist for The ES Press Magazine
Guest 'expert' at
Activist for ecumenicism

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