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Selective Perspective
Picture this: A mother and daughter are looking at the snowfall from the front widow of their home. The daughter thinks: "Great, No school tomorrow." While Mom is thinking, "Great, how will I get to work tomorrow?" "Lights, Camera... Action!" By Elizabeth Tull Andrea Shea Hudson, www.andreasheahudson.com , a coaching friend of mine said to me recently: "If you're going to write the script for your life, why not write a great one?" The Blizzard of 2005 currently going on in New York was my thought with coffee this warm and sunny January morning here in Atlanta. After a quick prayer that no one was seriously harmed, a wave of homesickness swept through me. How beautiful Boston and New York City are during a snowfall. People outdoors and on-foot, the storm leaving traffic stilled and quieted which opens up the sound of those inhabiting the city without car horns blaring, mass transit buses, and the sea of yellow taxis. Many neighborhoods feeling like neighborhoods due to increased social activity available when the city is closing down. The various architectures covered in a blanket of undisturbed whiteness, allowing the environment to appear Norman Rockwell-ish, artistic and magical. An abundance of colored hats, gloves and scarves along with some very creative winter clothing for my neighbors and their pets. Children busy with snowball fights, people playing with their dogs, sledding in Central Park or The Boston Commons, snowmen and ice sculptures reflecting the voice of artists' talents and, of course, the smell of brownstone apartment fireplaces reminding me that there is a warm place awaiting ? with a mug of hot chocolate or bowl of tomato soup. Sleep comes easily that night after a day of outdoor adventure, bonding, and rediscovery. Meanwhile back in Atlanta, the "adult" I was taught to be took over with my second cup of coffee: Puddles of slush, snow turning gray,brown and yellow; folks cranky due to mass transit systems and airports running off-schedule; salt and plow trucks blocking in vehicles and dirtying windshields. City sanitation workers unable to pick-up and discard piles of garbage; snow days from school with no childcare; frozen wiper blades; and having to walk to the store for provisions in the wind and cold. I smiled. How drastically my perceptions had altered and shifted. "The scripts I write are based on my perspectives, aren't they?" I commented to Andrea in my head. The two visions I had just created are two very different scripts based on two very different perspectives. I stood at a crossroad in my mind. Which perspective of the above two best reflect me today? I thought. I chose to open my recovery and coach training toolbox for the right questions to ask myself: Which perspective holds more value of the two visions I created? How do I look at the world and its going's on? Are there adventures and challenges or problems and defeats? Am I feeling scarcity or abundance? Is my glass half empty or over flowing? Do I see possibilities or stops and drama? Did I create the time to check in on these perceptions, or was I being reasonable: I am too busy, tired, over-committed and inundated with more important things. Then I thought: What could possibly be more important than checking in with or discovering my perspective, since that is the foundation that creates the way my life feels and how I feel about the life I create? My answer: The perspective I choose to live from today is a far cry from the perspective I was taught to have through my family experiences, the media, organizations from the past, grade school and my previous choices. I welcome crossroads today because thru them I have the power of choosing the direction I travel. Today I am free, willing and unafraid to recall experiences that may create homesickness, pain or longing in me. I can go home again without living in the past. There are memories there that leave me warm inside and not depressed while I am conscious to the gifts of my life here in Atlanta. It felt good this morning revisiting and picturing the possibilities of adventure, rediscovery and bonding during a snowstorm up north. I also believe anything I mourn over was worth having in the first place. So that I do not end up back in my story or in the past negatively, I use an allotted time frame while I revisit if I feel sadness, loss or pain. This is another new perspective for me. I was taught that you can't go home again and that the past should stay in the past. The empowerment I feel from choosing my perspective comes from my commitments and risk taking as well as long-term involvement in the recovery world, professional coaching, quality friends, mentors, and consistently making the time to discover and utilize the tools for living and not just existing. For me, living is always having a choice. Everyone has choices in everything though only a few of us learn how powerful that is when creating the present and future. Today I choose to not only discover and pick up the tools but to apply my energies for living into an extraordinary life. This I do by action around my commitments and that I do for my legacy, my children and my children's children. That's my script, and I'm sticking to it. "If you're going to write the script for your life, why not write a good one?" How important is it to understand your perspective? You decide. Extraordinary living is a birthright. Stake your claim. Live Gloriously, Do you know someone who needs a perceptional awakening? Are you living the rewards of Personal Excellence thru Legacy Design or Enhanced Recovery Living? Stop by and sign up for "The Coaching Catalyst" newsletter and make yourself at home: www.agapelegacycoach.com Elizabeth Tull is a Legacy Strategist who partners with others to design legacies of personal excellence. Her focus is assisting others in creating extraordinary experiences, relationships and fulfilling careers. Please visit or send any thoughts or feedback to: Elizabeth@agapelegacycoach.com" or just stop by and say "HI!" http://www.agapelegacycoach.com
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Finding Motivation: What To Do When You Dont Feel Like Doing Anything "The measure of your success usually comes down to who wins the battle that rages between the two of you. The 'you' who wants to stop, give up, or take it easy, and the 'you' who chooses to beat back that which would stand in the way of your success - complacency." Chris Widener Taking Responsibility Taking action about our current station in life involves taking responsibility for our current state of affairs. When we acknowledge that we are the main culprits with regards to where we are now, we will more likely take responsibility for creating the future we desire. A Woman?s Road To True Beauty We live in a world where society dictates the norm. In today's society, beauty becomes so stringent that many women develop distorted views of body images and become frustrated at not being able to obtain the "ideal figure." Some women are so dissatisfied with their body size that they are driven to become thin and maintain that thinness, sometimes to the detriment of their health. Some women diet in order to increase their self-confidence, make a partner happy or to fit into the perceived model look hype that is so often seen on television. In some respect dieting trends reflect the cultural norms that say that women who eat less are considered to be more feminine and more beautiful. Women spend thousands on surgery to change their features or gain the nose, eyes, and mouth of their favorite celebrity. Darkness of Winter Encourages Insights The darkness of Winter has descended. How to Become an Effective Self-Help User "Know Yourself" That's what the big guy said way back when? Was it Aristotle, Plato or Socrates? Anyhow, that's the essence of what this article is about. Trust the ?System? ? It Works! The "System" ? the overall structure and organization of this great creation that we're a part of? including our ability to personally interact with (and benefit from) the spiritual aspects of this creation (universal consciousness, God, whatever you'd like to call it). Learn to Do What Winners Do But Others Will Not If you want to be a winner you have to be prepared to develop a certain personal trait which others will not. 7 Tips For Unstoppable Motivation And Enduring Success Procrastination is of no use to you in your quest to fulfill your dreams. Lose those old habits and replace them with habits that lead to self-motivation and control over your life. Optimistic Vs Pessimistic Studies have shown that on average an optimist will have a longer, healthier and a more fulfilled life then a pessimist. Action vs. Self Delusion Knowledge fueled by emotion equals action. Action is the ingredient that ensures results. Only action can cause reaction. Further, only positive action can cause positive reaction. Do It Now! "At the end of our lives we never regret at the things we failed at but at the things we hope for but never attempted." Richie Dayo Johnson Do We Have Free Will? It is being suggested here that we have only one real choice in life: Are You Ready To Make A Strong Finish? Talk about a strong finish! In their inspiring story of perserverance which ultimately led to great success and victory, the Detroit Shock won their first ever WNBA (Women's National Basketball Association) championship title. USA Today told of their "worst-to-first odyssey" where the team, after winning only nine games in 2002, they finished 2003 with a league-best record and championship title. What was their formula for success? "They did not quit... they believed they could succeed and played their best... They also have a coach in whom they believe and who gives them confidence." Questions for the Game of Life "If you could eliminate one day from your past so that you never had to live through it, what day would you erase?" Its Not Enough Whatever you are doing in your life at the present moment; it's not enough. What do you mean it's not enough? I've done all I can. I've a good job. I work as hard as I can. I get my tasks done. I'm really proficient in what I do. I've got a good standard of living. What do you mean it's not enough? The Art Of Using Effectively A Motivational Quote --Choose a motivational quote related to your goal. Don't have one? Visit http://motivationalcentral.com which contains tons of motivational and inspirational quotes (see reference below). Browse through the wide variety of motivational quotes and pick one: sport, love, positive thinking, self-esteem, weight loss, business ect. Limitations Real Or Imagined, Stick Em In A Pigs Eye! It's about time to take a real hard look at what you think about yourself. What do you really think you're capable of? What if I told you that you could walk on water? Would you believe me? Well, what if I told you that you could never be an important person? What would you say to that? Recommendations for the Best Personal Growth Books I can't stress this enough: You've got to motivate yourself in order to motivate your team. You don't motivate people, they motivate themselves (or they don't). If you model motivated behavior, so will your team! Read on for a few suggestions on books to help you make it great! Full Steam Ahead, Just Dont Go Off Half Cocked! Do you do things that you don't want to do? Do you not do things that you do want to do? Do you find every reason in the book to delay what needs to be done? Would you like to know the secret of getting things done? Then hang on tight, cause this buds for you. Who Is The Inner Critic? The inner critic is that voice inside your head that tells you that you aren't good enough, smart enough, talented enough, pretty enough, or strong enough. It nags and natters at you to the point that your self confidence and sense of bravery is destroyed. You are convinced that the voice is correct and that you really don't have what it takes to live out your wildest dreams. As time goes on, you quit setting meaningful goals. You become resigned to a life of mediocrity and dullness. ![]() |
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