Business Management Information

Training and ROI (Return On Investment)

Statistics consistently reinforce that the biggest challenge in today?s contact center environment is agent training. Turnover continues to be high; new hire costs are on the rise--$6500 per agent! At the same time, losing customers because of bad call experiences negatively impacts your bottom line. What can you do? How do you justify the training expenditure?

Effective Meetings Begin With a Real Agenda

Everyone knows that an agenda is the key to an effective meeting. But an agenda that consists of a list of nouns, such as budget, software, and picnic, is useless. Here?s how to prepare a real agenda that puts you in control of the meeting.

The Power of ?Ask?

For Call Center managers, it is not a pipe dream to improve employee moral while increasing productivity. It may even come easy to some to find fresh, new ways to reduce performance problems. Sound like an advertisement for something unattainable? Perhaps try to engage, involve, and connect employees to their work by the power of ASK.

What are Your Best Practices?

Best Practices Studies

Partnering for Performance

?The difference between a boss and a leader: a boss says, ?Go!? ? a leader says, ?Let?s go!?? -E. M. Kelly

Organizational Capital in Politics, War, Sports and Business

Intangible Corporate Assets such as Organizational Capital, Blue Sky and Brand Name Capital, actually they all have a common thread in my opinion. Here are some thoughts on these issues. And first I would like to comment on a couple of UCLA, Anderson School of Business items which are of interest. And I must say these research pieces are somewhat cutting edge, in business management theory.

Five Reasons Why Leaders Fail to Create Successful Change

A bold title, don?t you think? I mean, change is a complex thing, so to define five reasons seems to oversimplify the issue.

Five Ways to Turn Resistance into Opportunity

Resistance. It isn?t something people cherish or enjoy encountering. We experience resistance everywhere at work:

Get Over Yourself

Let me tell you a secret.

Manage or Lead ? Why the Difference Matters and What to Do About That Difference

Many books have been written about managing people, and an equally large number have been written about leadership. Some use the words manage and lead interchangeably, and some talk about the differences between the words, building a distinction based on style or behaviors.

Creativity and Innovation Management :- Thought Leadership

Leadership is only sustainable when leaders consistently come up with good ideas ? when they are dependable thought leaders. It follows then that leaders would be more effective if they knew how to manage creativity and innovation.

Creativity and Innovation Management - Turning Ideas into Action

The phrase ?turning ideas into action? is a Russian doll.

Business Fails When We Do Not Talk

You may remember being told as a child, "Keep quiet!" "Children should be seen, not heard," and "You talk too much." You were a "good" kid if you kept quiet. However, being quiet when you are little causes big problems later in life.

The 10 Realities of Change

I've seen several articles that begin with lines like "the only constant today is change." I assert that change that is constant can't really be called change. It's simply a new reality. It's time that we accept that things simply don't stay the same and speed to change is the new reality of business. Like any other new reality it requires new responses.

Influencing Change - A Guide for Sellers, Coaches, and Supervisors

When people or groups make a decision to purchase something, they go through the same decision cycle that an individual goes through to decide upon a personal change, or an employee goes through to change behaviors at a boss?s insistence.

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