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Goal Setting Information |
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Your Goals Are Unique
We have just begun another new year in our lives. It is time to regroup and rethink our goals and desires. Our goals may be partially dictated by outer circumstances. These are cases where we need more money for food, repairs to the home or automobile, medication, winter clothing, heat and so forth. These goals are established by necessity. Other goals are those established by desire or want. We may desire a more attractive appearance, an automobile which will be the envy of all who see it, a mansion instead of a home, a summer home in the mountains and a winter home in the tropics. These desires can be turned into goals. When the desire is strong enough, the goals can be readily achieved. There are those who will not believe this statement. For those, I say to look back over your life and think about those times when you wanted something so badly you just knew you would die if you did not get it. Perhaps it was a new bicycle, or a new doll, or a new romance in your life. When you wanted that something so bad you could not sleep nights for thinking about it, you usually either got the item you desired or something even better. You may also have found that once your dream was fulfilled it wasn't quite what you thought it should be. In other words, be careful what you wish for, because you just might get it. Much has been said and written concerning goal setting. Briefly put, it is to determine what you want and set goals for getting it. Your goals should be attainable, but not without some effort and extension on your part. The goals should not be so far-fetched as to be unattainable. Your goals will be unique to you and your desires. No other person can establish your goals for you. Should they try to do so, they have imposed their goals on your life. Your goals should be in line with your ethics and morals, and something you deeply desire. A superficial wish cannot be considered a goal. We have been given this life to develop, change, grow and enjoy. There is no reason for lack of any type in our lives, for there is ample abundance on this earth and in the universe. We are where we are at this point in our life because this is where we have chosen to be. We have the choice of abundance or abject poverty. You say this is not so, that you were born in abject poverty and have had no opportunity for a fine education or experience to qualify you for a better position in life. I say you can always seek higher and better opportunities. Look around you. A relative few inherited their wealth from their ancestors. The great majority of those having abundance in their lives started with very little. They refused to be limited by circumstances and created their own opportunities. They rightly exercised their power of choice. Have you and I effectively used our power of choice? You will have to answer that question for yourself. About The Author Copyright © Robert Taylor Introducing the Quick Way to Internet Profits. At Last! You can discover the closely guarded secrets to Internet profits the quick way. To find out how to do it now, go to: http://www.traffictoyoursite.com/quickway.html
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Setting S.M.A.R.T. Goals I cannot stress the importance of setting goals enough. Goals give us something to work toward, and help us feel like we are moving along a specific path. Establishing goals invites us to look at the big picture, break it down into smaller pieces, and get started toward accomplishing our important hopes and dreams. Jules Obtains the Jewels Jules Asner, the current cohost of E! News Daily, along with Steve Kmetko, had a golden opportunity to be the first one to host E!'s "Wild On" adventure series. The series was originally titled "Sex on the Riviera." When Eleanor Mondale left the show, Jules filled in and ended up hosting "Wild On" for a year and a half. The "Wild On" series takes viewers around the world and shows them that there are OTHER extremely wild people besides Americans doing extremely wild stuff. Yes, Brooke Burke DID have a predecessor. Although in an interview, Jules mentioned that she was reluctant to host the "Wild On" adventure series. She wasn't sure if she wanted to put herself through the dangerous demands of para-sailing, for instance. By the way, her para-sailing adventure was one of her scariest moments. Apparently, Jules was terrified, and rightly so, when the wind kicked up more than usual and Jules was drifting in the air more than what was planned. It also didn't help matters that the producers took their time bringing her down. Physically, she ended up fine, but her anxiety was obvious because of the expletives were bleeped out and by watching what she was experiencing. Reasons That Move You Bring Clarity, Focus, Determination, and Momentum Are your goals SMART? ? Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Rewarding, Time-Deadlined Climb and Summit Mt. Goals Are you trying to reach a goal that feels like a large mountain to climb? Make Your Goals Stick The amazing thing about the future is that if you wait, it will always come to you. No doubt you sat down and created your share of New Year's resolutions to conquer this year. The unfortunate truth, however, is that most people's resolutions fizzle and die before the first quarter is even over. It doesn't have to be this way ? with a few key steps, you can be well on your way to goal-getting instead of just goal-setting and turn your resolutions into real solutions. Goal Setting: Stop Failing and Start Finishing While the idea of goal setting is not a new concept, we do see an ever-increasing number of people becoming more and more frustrated with setting a worthwhile goal. The frustration, it appears, comes from never being able to realize the fruit of their labor. Therefore, it is with this growing number of goal setting failures that I wish to illustrate three fundamentals of proper goal setting that should significantly increase the probability of a finished goal rather than a failed one. Driving To Your Goals Every time you get in your car to go anywhere, you are working on achieving a goal. There is somewhere you want to be, so you take action to get there. The three major things that get you where you want to go when driving are a specific destination, directions for getting there, and a way to track your progress. You must also have these three things to achieve any goal. One Life to Live Nothing stops us. Well, almost nothing. Although we do live in a world that whirls at breakneck speed, there are a few things that will stop us in our tracks. When tragedy strikes, our attentions are diverted from our normal hustle and bustle to the turmoil at hand. The perfect example of this is, of course, the world's reaction to the September 11 terrorist attacks on the United States and the events following it. One Single Secret to Goal Setting Success Perhaps you have never taken a stock of the most valuable and precious wealth of yours. Every person possesses it since the day of birth. This wealth is our life, its minutes, hours, days and years. Proper planning starts when we begin to take stock of this wealth. So, we should make the most efficient use of every minute to preserve and multiply this wealth. The initial stage of planning is identifying and setting your major life goals. Setting Goals and Achieving Them Whatever you want in life, you have far more chance of achieving it if you set a clear goal, written down, with a definite time scale. Under Their Thumb - Tripping The Parental Triggers! Some of my clients have come to me feeling like their worlds were not under their own control. They felt as though everyone else ran their lives and had some aspect of control in everything that they did. I asked them to note some specific situations in which they felt this way and how they felt "out of control" of the situation. It's interesting to note that in every circumstance, there was some aspect of "guilt" or "second-guessing" involved. Indeed, these are the purest signs of self-relinquished control. A New Conversation About Dreams - Integrity: The Key to Getting What You Want The most critical attribute for realizing our dreams is integrity. In a conversation about dreams, integrity is essential and can be summarized this way: Say what you mean and mean what you say. Honor your word and agreements and you will be living with integrity, where dreams really do come true. The Parable of the Jackrabbit: The Missing Key to Effective Goal Setting So you've got a goal, and you know someone who has already reached it? Maybe it is earning a certain degree, or opening a business and making it fly. Before you try to duplicate what others have done to attain what they have, be sure of one thing. Understand the Parable of the Jackdabbit: To Reach Goals: Bypass Resistance & Gather Assistance To reach goals, consider this illustration: If you see roadblocks up ahead on a journey you take a diversion. No one in their right mind would just drive on and hit the obstacle head on just hoping they get through! Setting Goals and Obtaining Results GOALS SHOULD BE QUANTIFIABLE: It should be possible to analyze every goal in terms of specific quantifiable objectives. Naturally, for certain tasks, measurement of objectives will be more difficult to attain; the key is to make every effort to reduce each goal to its most quantifiable form. For example, a customer service department might have the following general goals: 1. To increase output on customer acknowledgments. 2. To boost the number of customer telephone inquiries that are handled. 3. To distribute mail in a timely manner. As described, the above goals are completely immeasurable. It is almost certain that the manager's expectations will not be met. The solution: Quantify these goals in a realistic, feasible fashion that will also insure departmental productivity: 1. To type 10 customer acknowledgment letters per hour. 2. Handle a minimum of 15 telephone customer inquiries per each two hour shift. 3. Open, sort, and distribute all mail for the third floor before 10 a.m. each working day. On Achievement If a comatose person were to earn an interest of 1 million USD annually on the sum paid to him as compensatory damages ? would this be considered an achievement of his? To succeed to earn 1 million USD is universally judged to be an achievement. But to do so while comatose will almost as universally not be counted as one. It would seem that a person has to be both conscious and intelligent to have his achievements qualify. 10 Ways To Hold Your Focus and Get Your Goals Hocus, Pocus, it's all about focus. That's the real magic of goals! Everyone Needs a BAG (Big Audacious Goal) A Big Audacious Goal (BAG) is a clear and compelling catalyst that serves as a focal point for effort. Unlike smaller goals, the BAG is something that is huge. It is challenging and in some ways seems impossible - but a BAG is also inspiring, compelling, and motivating. Creating the Best Year of Your Life At the end of each year, and on their birthdays, many people take time to reflect and look ahead. If you're one of these people, or if you would like to start getting the benefits from a little self reflection, then I have some great questions for you. Goalsetting: Must We? All goals take time to accomplish. But most people are impatient. All really worthwhile objectives involve work, and sacrifice, maybe even pain! But most people HATE pain. Therefore, most people don't have any system at all for setting targets. ![]() |
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