Copywriting Information

Making a Living as a Copywriter; Freelancing Versus Agency

So You Want To be A Copywriter?

Getting Paid for Your Articles

If you've been writing web articles to help promote your business, you may also wonder if you can write articles and get paid for it. What type of articles will land you some extra cash, and what control do you have over the resubmission of your content once you hand it over to the editors?

Are You Making These Press Release Mistakes?

You've done it. Gotten that press release written. Now you're ready to send it out to your carefully chosen list of media contacts.

Quotations as Expressions in Life

Quotations are expressions, usually in the spoken form or in literature, which are referenced to by others. Usually, quotations are written within quotation marks, as a verbum dicendi, to indicate that it was an expression given by a particular person. Nowadays, quotations are usually referenced from sources such as literature, speeches, movie dialogues, interviews or even song lyrics.

Long Copy vs. Short Copy? If You?re Still Debating This, You?re Missing The Point!

I?ve seen this ongoing debate debate jump up again recently in several Blogs and message boards and I can?t help but laugh. It?s not a new debate? Ever since the long copy masters of the early 1900?s, people have been arguing for or against the practice.

How To Ethically Use A Swipe File For Your Ad Copy

Did you ever wish you could afford to hire one of those professional copy writers who charge $5000 or more to write a simple sales letter? Or worse, have you laid down your hard-earned cash for a self-proclaimed "professional" writer, and gotten back something your 3rd grader could have written?

Is Freelance Hiring Right For You?

Assume you were faced with the task of hiring a new group of talented individuals to handle a huge account you just landed. Are you up for the task? Or perhaps you have a small job that needs completing but no one on staff can handle the project. When you consider the process of linking a project with talented professionals it can be quite daunting, leaving a business owner or manager with a major challenge. But in today's marketplace it's becoming more common to use freelancers in every capacity and field of endeavor.

How to Write a Sizzling Sales Letter, Part 1

When you sit down to write a sales letter to your prospects, it can be difficult to know just where to start. Regardless of the purpose of your letter, it has to accomplish several things:

Yale University Researchers Reveal The 12 Most Powerful Words In The Human Language...

In this article, I am going to reveal a dozen words, which could change your life. Why? Because Yale University researches have identified the 12 most powerful words in the human language? proven to attract attention and stir emotion within their readers. Here they are...

Health and Fitness: A Huge Industry in Need of Writers

Think about how much you read about and spend on health and fitness.

Copywriting for the Web: Do You Have What It Takes?

In the world of web copywriters, many will try, but few will succeed. What category will you be classified as? Hopeless failure, or smashing success?

The Secret to Web Copywriting Gurudom

Have you seen those copywriting gurus, working it on the web? How'd they get so darned famous? How can YOU get what THEY have? Here are some creative ideas for you to kick around and use in your copywriting escapades.

How Your $2-an-Article Ghostwriter is Like a Cheap Pair of Pants

Web marketers: have you figured out that article marketing is the secret to your success on the web?

How to Write a Direct Mail Fundraising Letter (Four Tips for Fund Raising Success)

1. Address your reader as a friend, not as ?Friend.?

Your Article Headlines will Make or Break Your Business

Most people with an online presence will have to regularly deal with the issue of coming up with an appropriate headline. The problem is that most people do not take it seriously enough. Many do not realize that the headline is so important that no matter how good the content is, it will never get read if the headline does not beckon surfers to it.

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