Editing Secrets

Laura Backes

Once youve plotted out your book, developed the characters and

Just Write an Email
How did you sell your last product Imagine that I am a newbie writing you an e-mail after reading your ebook. How would you answer the question I bet you could send me a 300 word reply in no time. Words would flow from your keyboard as fast as you can type. You have just written your next article. Dont think so Too easy Read the next paragraph.
Why You Need a Newsletter
If you’re a small business owner you definitely need promotion. And, if you’re a freelancer—you ARE the product—so you’ll ultimately need self-promotion. Newsletters can not only inform your customers of future events, discounts, and services, but can serve as a helpful source of information for you to analyze the growth and success of your business.
Have You Completed A Character Questionnaire
Creative Writing Tips –
5 Ways to Enhance Your Creativity
Were born creative. However, this innate characteristic becomes buried as we get older. Our logical left brain usually takes the drivers seat. Here are 5 ways to help you unearth your creative self.
6 Power Packed Tips For Article Writers
1. Offer an email course, multipart report or a free subscription to your ezine in your resource box.
8 Tell-Tale Signs That Forecast Writing Success!
‘Talent is cheaper than table salt.What separates the talented individual from the successful one is a lot of hard work.”Stephen King
Im Just The Writer
Writers are often are greatly surprised or disappointed by how their work is changed when it is adapted for the big screen. When Irwin Shaws World War II novel The Young Lions was shot in Paris in 1958, the Nazi character was played by Marlon Brando. Ever the method actor, Brando provoked an uproar by strutting around town in his SS uniform, even going into restaurants to dine. The thirty three year old star was unsure if the Parisians ripping his clothes were doing it out of adulation or disdain. Like most actors Brando wanted to be loved and he took his concern to Shaw that the Nazi be made sympathetic. "You just dont understand the character", Brando told the amazed writer. "Its my character," replied Shaw. "Not anymore", replied the actor.
Everything I Needed to Know About Article Writing I Learned from My English Teacher
By now you probably understand how important writing for trade publications is to establishing credibility in the home business world.
Advice From Successful Freelancers: Starting & Maintaining A Freelancer Career
For the e-book, Advice from Successful Freelancers: How They Built Their Careers & How You Can Too!, I asked ten questions of freelancers who were living their dream life. Following are some of their answers. They cover successful marketing techniques, how to get clients and more!
Stimulate Your Sensebuds...and Wave Goodbye To Writers Cramp!
When you get stuck for ideas, and the words won’t flow, invariably it’s because one, more or all of your senses aren’t being stimulated.
How To Overcome The Lyric Writing Hurdles That Are Keeping You Behind
The lyric writing side of songwriting is known to create an enormous number of problems for some folks. No matter how hard they try, they are unable to write a single line that they can be pleased with.
Write A Better Newsletter!
Youve decided to write your very own Newsletter to promote your business, communicate with your customers, or just for FUN.
Writing For Free: When & When Not to Do It!
Right off the bat, I want to say that there is no right or wrong answer to this topic. A lot depends on your end goal — to get a job, garner publicity, build a portfolio, etc. However, there comes a time when every writer should say no to writing for free. Below are some issues that Ive been pondering about freelance writing.
Giving Yourself the Right to Write
"But Ive only been on the Internet 3 months! How can I write an article” That was my reaction back in 1999 when I began my online career and heard that writing articles was the key to bringing targeted visitors to my website.
Finding Experts, Sources and Contacts
I was asked to write an article on a short deadline. No problem, I thought. Then I got the article specifications which included quoting several experts in the article.
Write Strategy: Think, Believe, Attack
Think of writing like karate...its about DISCIPLINE.
Writing from Home: It Can Be Great and Not-So-Great for Mothers
I went to school to be a teacher. In fact, I have a B.S. in Education, not journalism.
Creating A Great Print Newsletter
The traditional print media newsletter is still useful even in the rapidly changing age of the Internet and IT. Its uses are so multi-faceted that it can cover just about anything – from the company’s profile to promotions, home-order system and contests. Before the Internet homepage became so common, the newsletter was the main source of an organisation’s communication to its customers.
Defy the Myths, Get Your Book Written--Fast! - Part 2
Why dont you write a book
Give Your Readers A Sample
Manufacturers of food products are masters at marketing. When they launch a new product, they hire crews of merchandisers to pass out samples and coupons during peak grocery shopping times. The result – a large percentage of shoppers become first-time buyers after receiving their free sample and an incentive to buy. Many of those buyers will end up loyal customers.

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