In Search Of Ideas For Articles

Finding something to write about can be frustrating for all writers from time to time.

I have made a list of a few suggestions for those days when the well seems to be running dry...

I hope these ideas may provide some inspiration to get your creative juices flowing again.

Some of these suggestions are based on personal experience and the incredible gift that God gave women of being able to bear children, which makes us uniquely qualified to write about some topics that nobody but mothers can truly understand and utilize as potential article topics. Ideas Just For Mothers Themes associated pregnancy, labor, post-partum issues, breastfeeding, potty training, motherhood, and similar subjects related to children and parenting in general. Most of our experiences as mothers can be transformed into articles of interest to other mothers and publications that target this specialized market.

Think about how you felt the day you went into labor, what you learned from your pre-pregnancy classes, how you successfully taught your child to feed himself or give up diapers, how you overcame your initial fears of being a good mother, how your discipline techniques worked or didnīt work, and any other particularly moving moments in your journey through motherhood. Special Topics For Women Subjects like, arts and crafts, cooking, fitness, gardening, romance, and weddings. While women are certainly capable of writing about a wide variety of topics from world news and politics to science and technology, sometimes ideas for articles can be easily generated by focusing on our personal interests.

Many women are excellent cooks, artists, hobbyists, active participants in aerobics or other exercise programs, dieters, green-thumbs, romance lovers and brides at least once in their life. Our experiences and knowledge in these familiar categories can be a constant source of inspiration for potential articles that publications are searching for.

To access a list of links to some popular publications that accept submissions from freelance writers, who write about the subjects mentioned above, go to -

Resource Box - Đ Danielle Hollister (2004) is the Publisher of BellaOnline Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for quote lovers featuring more than 10,000 quotations in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration, success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read it online at -

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