Solitude Vs Teamwork!

Irrespective of any given situation, "Team Work Works!" It is not that students are incapable of studying in solitude, it is just that when they study in collaboration the synergy drives the students, one step further. During the learning period people tend to be skeptical and filled with fraught of underachieving, so they stick with the habit of solitary learning. They often underestimate the power of a "group".

The synergy between the groups is the major impetus that has the power to take them to new heights. Hypothetically, let us assume the research students are challenged to disprove "The theory of relativity" it is near impossible for an solitary individual to disprove the theory, as it is going to take ages. When they form a group they have a better chance to conclude, leave alone disproving it.

The individual complacent attitude often limits the levels of the individual, this never happens in a group activity. The students of the group tend to push the other members to the extreme, thus getting the best out of everyone. Assume a group of students are asked to design a roman amphitheater, with a touch of modernity. Each individual perceives the structure in his own thoughts, this leads to a healthy discussion of the design. Where the design thoughts of each individual is validated against the other students, which helps in bringing out the best of every student and never lets the air of complacency settle in.

In solitude the individual tends to focus on minor aspects and eventually loses the sense of direction. This seldom happens in a group activity, there is always someone to keep tabs on where they are heading. It also helps in playing a balancing act, i.e. the shortcoming of an individual is supplemented by somebody else in the group. This is the power of indulging in group activity. Eventually leads to better results, increase in productivity and agility. The winning ingredients of the group acitivity are the individual members, they can make or break the activity.

There are situations where solitary activity is more effective, incase of a activity which lacks breadth. Whereas Group activity is highly effective when the activity shows breadth that is overwhelming for an individual. Irrespective of all these, group activity works most of the time.


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