Simple Way to Get High Pagerank

Olga Rose

Everyone knows that if your website has a high Google Pagerank, you have all chances to reach good search engine positions, to get serious partners, or simply get more money selling text links.

But how to get a high Pagerank Lets clarify: saying ‘high Pagerank, we mean at least PR6

Of course there are many different ways. You may start exchanging links with PR1-2 websites, then with PR2-3, then with PR3-4 etc… and after a year of this madness youll probably get a result. But till that time, your mailbox will burst from tons of “link exchange proposals” and your website will look more like a free-for-all directory. Or you may start writing articles adding your website URL in the bottom, but not everyone can do this, and itll also require many months of efforts.

But heres the better way!

There are many websites with strong search engine positions and high Pagerank, where you can buy text links for a certain fee. Depending on the strength of a website and the value of its links, it may cost from $10 to $3000 and more for a ROS run-of-site text link. Everything will depend on your budget and goals. If your goal is PR6 - it may cost for example $200 per month to reach it. Yes, its not cheap, but its only the first step…

So, you go ahead and buy the links; and after the next Pagerank update generally once a month, you get your fair PR6 lets suppose that it takes 1 month and $200.

During the second month you need to hurry up, and to organize several link exchange campaigns with other PR6 or even PR7 websites. Remember: youre not a newbie any more - youre “PR6 website”.

3-5 campaigns should be enough. This month will also cost you $200… BUT… after the end of the month, when you have several working link exchange campaigns, you simply stop buying text links and wait for the next update.

If you made everything correctly, you will not loose your Pagerank maybe even increase it.

So heres the simple way to reach PR6 for quite reasonable price. Or course $400 may be a big amount for a young webmaster or a newbie. But itll save you from many months of exhausting work, from headaches; and itll save your time. Finally, youll also be able to sell your own text links in order to return your investments.

Good luck.

About The Author

Olga Rose - webmaster of Dedicated Hosting Directory offers you full information about dedicated hosting, plus the review of top dedicated servers.

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