Site Promotion Information

SEO Trade Secrets - 8 Great Tools for Search Engine Optimization

About 80% of website traffic comes through search engines. And research shows, if you’re not on the first 2 pages, most people won’t find you.

10 Things You Should Expect From Your Website Copywriter

As websites and electronic commerce are becoming more and more common, business owners and marketing managers are realising that quality web copy is every bit as important as impressive design. And with the ever increasing importance of search engine presence, the role of web copy has never been more critical.

A Network Of Web Sites Is Not Enough!

The big thing these days is your ability to capture the market. So how do you do that

Top 10 Design Issues According To Web Marketing!

When it comes to designing your site, there are 2 ways you can ultimately go. a Designing for yourself and no one else, b Designing to fit web marketing and customer attracting methods.

Ways To Develop Your Own Outrageously Profitable Product

If you want to make big money on the web, you need to have your own product. A lot of people would like to have their own product, but they lack either, the expertise and/or have no idea how or where to begin.

Submitting Your Website

Now that your site is built properly, it is time to submit it to be indexed. One common approach is the use of automated submission software, which is not a good idea and instead I suggest performing manual submissions. Below are links to the major search engines that you should submit to. It could take anywhere from one to six weeks before you get indexed, but if you trade links with other sites it will speed it up. You can join to trade links with other webmasters for free.

Free Online SEO Tools

For anyone wanting to do a bit of their own Search Engine Optimisation, there is an abundance of free online SEO tools available on the internet. Most of them provide some pretty impressive statistics and information to help you optimise your website, analyse search engine positions, research your competitors, plus much more!

How To Get Number 1 Spot In Google, Every Time, Guaranteed

Woaah! Wait a minute. Before I exclusively reveal these insider secrets can I ask you question Well, actually, I want to ask you a series of questions.

How Search Engines Work

Before anyone can start optimizing a web site, you must understand how search engines work.

Attack Smaller Searches To Get The Big Ones!

Searching online can not only be fun, but you sometimes need to be downright inventive.

For Newer Sites, Web Marketing Depends On "Titles" & "Links"!

We all start out the same. Some have budgets, some dont. The one true factor out there is that we all want to expose our business. For 99% of us, starting out in the world of web marketing means a few things: A huge learning curve Endless nights working Trial & Error Learning the ropes

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Make The Search Engines Love Your Site

Most webmasters have no idea on how to make a search engine friendly web site. If you are one of them this will all change by following these steps below.

Website Promotion

Have you ever wondered why some websites get a thousand hits a day while others dont Well, the secret lies in something called website promotion.

Another Advantage To Pay-Per-Click Marketing

Web marketing has taken on many different shapes during the last 5 years. It has gone from banner advertising to e-mail campaigns, and now we are in the age of pay-per-click systems like Overture and Google Adwords. While everybody may not agree about the effectiveness of using pay-per-clicks advertising, the one thing nobody can take away from them is their ability to drive traffic to a website.

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