Can Jewish Americans Still Have Devout Catholic Friends?

America is dividing again. Jewish Americans are finding it hard to discuss issues with devout Catholics who go with the flow and support the new Pope, Benedict XVI a former Hitler Youth. The Catholic Church says that he only joined because all citizens of his age were compelled to join. Yet would Jesus have joined the Hitler Youth? Six million, that's correct six million Jews were killed under Hitler's orders. The Hitler Youth threw rocks threw Jewish residence windows, helped turn in Jews and anyone who supported them or aided them. Later they assisted in rounding up Jewish folks. And today we have a former Hitler Youth as Pope of the Catholic Church, with out regard to the fact. We have devout Catholics unwilling to question this, unwilling to leave the church and willing to go with the program giving into the hypocrisy. It is a complete slap in the face to the free world for the Catholic Church with their power, wealth and abilities to appoint this Catholic Pope, Benedict XVI, who has already betrayed the teachings of Jesus and the purported mission of the Catholic Church.

Six million people were slaughtered and half a million Americans gave their lives to defend against Hitler's armies. Yet we are to forgive Benedict XVI for not standing tall against this and either protesting or leaving the country as so many others did. The previous Pope apologized in vain to the Jewish people for the Catholic Church's participation in NAZI Germany. The previous Pope who promised that the Catholic Church would not do this again, groomed the German Cardinal for the position of Pope and Pope Benedict XVI, he became.

How can the rest of the World live in religious tolerance with a NAZI Pope Benedict XVI who betrayed the sanctity of the Church. Does the World really need the Catholic Church with all their wardrobe get-ups, prancing around like characters from Dungeons and Dragons, parading the streets with life size versions of the Barbie Car and sporting gigantic cathedrals of Roman Gothic architecture from the Dark Ages towering over the people who live economically enslaved and mentally enslaved in guilt? Hmm? The question has been posed and the world needs an answer. The Catholic Church lives in hypocrisy and previously one could argue that they at least helped to unite nations and diverse cultures. Today they divide the United States, the greatest civilization ever created in the history of mankind, in trade for a good ole' boy network of old fuddy dudy buddies who do not get it and do not have clue; can any club be more out of touch? They are the throw back to mankind's darkest ages and more resemble the Voodoo Witch Doctors of the Caribbean than any potential world leadership position.

Let's get real the emperor has no clothes, except for some left over Shakespearian Festival Wardrobes, worn in poor taste. Give me a break, you call that a Church? Is mankind that ridiculous and lacking in cranial capacity that they are willing to take them seriously? The Catholic Church is dead and we should bury it in peace, not celebrate the egos of a group of child molesting Cardinals covering for a bunch of pedophile priests run by a NAZI Pope, Benedict.

Please let's get real; can it actually get any worse? People actually line up to give these folks 10% of their income and show up in mass for a slobbering old coot who has lost his marbles and his Hitler Youth best friend, while listening to their dribble? You cannot be take this group seriously, it is time to close the Catholic Church and the religious hypocrisy it stands for. How can the human race move forward, while following such a group's leadership and how can we trust any other world leaders who give them credence? Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

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