Political Information

Some Farmers and Organic Growers are Upset at Monsanto

The organic farmers are angry that Monsantos terminator GM seeds will prevent the farmers from saving seeds from their harvest for next years crops and that Monsanto wishes to put them out of business. Actually it sure makes for headlines, unfortunately that is not how free enterprise works. Monsanto does not want to run anyone out of business; they want to sell seeds. If Monsanto holds them selves out as extortionists by overly inflating the prices as the critics seem to accuse them of doing before they have actually introduced it, then the free market would in fact take over and other companies willing to sell for less would emerge as at first smaller and then much larger competing players would they not. Isn?t that the basis for our proven capitalist system, which has given Americans great quality of life, choices and the largest GNP of the next four other nations combined?

Kudos For Monsanto Company

I applaud Monsanto for their R and D. I would like to meet the head R and D man there and shake his hand for his drive and stick-to-it-ness to find solutions to feed the world. I have seen the animosity towards terminator and GM seeds, but I have also seen children dying of malnutrition and felt sick to my stomach as I knew they would not last more than a year like that. Malaria, or something would get them first. It was a sad day boarding that plane and thinking in 12 hours I would be back in the states and they would be living there and dying of some awful affliction. Not many opportunities there, not very fulfilled human lives really.

Free Markets, Farmers, and GM Crops

Many are condemning the latest GM Terminator seeds. Yet there is not need to cause a raucous because the free market will decide which seeds farmers buy? When a Corporate farmer plows under the crop for next season sometimes he uses the old seeds for new life next season. In which case he might have a problem with the newest Genetically Modified Terminator Seeds. Well then if this will be the case he should use a different seed, which will spring up next season and grow, non-terminator seeds? It?s all about choice? Do not like Monsanto and their new GM Seeds? Then buy the seeds elsewhere. There are benefits to terminator seeds for instance a farmer who farms two or three seasons and is paid as part of his yield for purity, he does not want the old crop of something else mixed in with the new crop he is taking to market. When a small farmer of let's say Mustard Seed holds some of his acres for harvest for the seeds of the next season, he can use those seeds again and maybe some left over for others too. Meaning he can sell those extra seeds and offset some costs for his over head.

Should Farmers Plant GM Terminator Seeds?

If a farmer plants the same crop three seasons in a row he might like to have the non-terminating, but if he plants winter wheat and regular wheat he gets paid by the purity as part of his yield and therefore, would prefer the terminating, having no left over seeds growing within his ranks. Also he can plant GM one year when needed for Ethanol and then another type later for another purpose. Which means it is a very good thing not to mix and this solves a need of the market, purity of product and higher prices paid to the farmer (who is leveraged on the commodity side also so he is downside protected in case of poor yields that season), it ain?t easy being a farmer these days. Farming is a tough row to hoe these days nearly 50% of the family farmers in the US were unable to make it in the couple of decades, it is a travesty.

Environmentalists Often Complain About GM Crops

Maybe some of the people complaining ought to go to Africa and tell people to stop breeding like rats? Think of all the GM Crops can do for plastics, synthetic material and even for NASA since they are working with these R and D facilities to make organic materials with GM crops. All this special R and D is paid for by these companies due to the future promise of potential profits, but it is not without risk.

Questioning Both Sides of the GM Crop Debate

One question not addressed in GM Crops and Monsanto Terminator Seeds Debate and one which cannot be found in any of the online white papers on the subject is: What is known about Bee Pollination with regards to these things, if the seeding an cross-pollination cannot use the services of the Bees and Butterflies then this too could mean lower yields and thus hurt Monsanto and those which buy certain seeds from certain crops from them as well as feeding the world? And what about Wild crops in some countries that feed people? Would they be slowed due to a larger percentage of Terminating seeds?

Fury and Sound as GM Seeds Abound

We have all heard of the huge debates surrounding genetically modified crops. Yet we also have all seen the advertising to sponsor a child in the third world. Now the GM crop debate has erupted on other continents and smaller groups are raising cane. In Brazil in particular has some harsh words on the issue from at least one critic.

Environmentalists Say GM Seeds are Bad News

Environmentalists say GM Seeds are bad for the environment, dangerous to the security of the world?s food supply and will cause millions to starve. Yet when one really looks at the debate none of those statements can be made in absolute truth. Why is it bad for the environment? GM crops were said to be bad by some environmentalists, but Monsanto has figured out a way to terminate the seeds, this terminates them from spreading to other strains of DNA, RNA of natural or wild crops. Thus helps the environment. It is a relatively brilliant ?Green Technology? We get to have our cake and grow it too.

How Small Business Benefits From Supporting Labor Unions

For a short time I worked as a union officer for the office workers' union at Walt Disney studios. It was a very educational experience and one thing I learned is that people have a strange attitude about the relationship between unions and business management. All too many business managers think of the union as their enemy, and unfortunately too many union members think the same thing about management. The sad part of it is, both sides are working toward the same goals. Employees need to be working for a successful and prosperous company and the company needs to be a place where employees can be happy and productive.

Homeless, Trash, Drugs and Transient Issues

In Police Magazine I read a great article about transient problems and how they were solved for the betterment of all in Ft Collins, Colorado. This program was called (COP) Community Oriented Policing. In one area downtown there were three homeless shelters 53 liquor stores and a nearby river where the homeless were. As they cleaned up Shanty Town they actually picked up trash and had a special task force. They filled Dump Trucks full of trash and junk; piles of 40 ounce beers bottles. The police enforced the litter laws and open container laws and saw to it that the homeless people were signed in at the Homeless shelters, which was good due to the soon approaching winter weather of that season.

Telemarketing and Job Losses

Telemarketing and DO NOT CALL lists sure made headlines, but I bet there is something you did not realize. The good news about such industries is they bring in good telecommunication infrastructures, lower costs for consumers telephone bills, and are pollution free. Many smaller cities in the country, places like Lewiston, ID worked really hard to bring in such businesses to help pay for fiber optic lines and change the needs of the area and their dependence on polluting factories. One issue in Akron, OH which came up in a conversation with Jay Schmahl the National Sales Director for InfoCision Management Corp,

OSHA is just more BS from the Blob of Bureaucracy

Is Ohio Manufacturing Sector really unable to compete in the world market? Is the auto industry, which is the state?s manufacturing rock really in jeopardy. Are the Unions really killing the manufacturing sector causing off shoring of American jobs? Let me offer an alternative view of the situation from an Ayn Rand perspective. Yes the manufacturing sector took hits from steel prices, unions, power costs, sector rotations in the auto industry as well as over seas and NAFTA competition. But the biggest problem of all is none of those things. Not a single one could kill off an industry that sells on average of 15-18 million cars per year. One must look at other factors as well. Also out in full force is our wonderful OSHA Agency due to strong union and the online complaint system.

Ohio Department of Transportation; Sector Economic Reality

Ohio?s transportation sector seems to be strong, even with Ohio?s outrageous attack on the trucking industry. That one has to be politics. One State patrol officer told us that they are suppose to pull over 80% commercial and 20% private vehicles. This means on Friday nights when you have drunk drivers if you pull over 2 cars then you have to pull over 8 trucks, well at 2 am, that just might be half of all trucks. Then of course having to justify yourself you look around for a way to write a ticket?

The Contemporary Global Marketplace - IT, Software, and Services

"Had there not been outsourcing and utilization of cheaper resources offshore, average computer users would not have been able to afford the hardware and software that are available to them today." In this manner, author Robin Sood brushes aside superficial criticism of outsourcing and brings home to the reader of IT, Software and Services: Outsourcing and Offshoring two key points: outsourcing is already widely used and its positive effects go well beyond increased company profits. Forget about the naysayers and the trumped-up, political maelstrom of controversy surrounding the issue of outsourcing, Sood urges. Instead, consider that outsourcing is here to stay, as an inevitable part of the global market, and is already providing most of us with practical benefits.

Predator or Prey; Hunter or the Hunted; Teacher or the Pupil; Winning or Losing?

This is a thought on the study of Home and Away Games, The Best Team Always Has the Advantage. Predators and Prey; The Hunters and The Hunted. Recently Rumsfeld asked his brightest commanders to come up with strategies to combat Islamic Extremists Terrorists. Here is an idea. Set up a couple of Humvees, which would drive at normal speed a head of a van, which had interior 1" steel walls. Drive the Humvees in front and use remote control to draw fire. Put mannequins in the Humvees. And a Big America flag to piss them off. The van will have SWAT Team Special Forces. When the humvees are shot at stop them and the van unloads and surrounds the area from the rear and special forces shoot each one between the eyes, cut off the heads stick them on the posts out front of the houses where they were found and just get back into the van and drive around again.

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