Pet Information

Dog Aggressive Training: Understand & Eliminate Your Dogs Aggressive Behavior

Aggression behavior in a dog is a normal form of canine communication similar to human frustration or anger. Like human, aggressive behavior occurs in every dog. The different lie in the level of aggression shown in them, and this is where dog breeds come into the picture.

Crate Training Tips: How to Crate Train Your Dog

A crate is a valuable and useful training tool. Its main purpose is to provide security, safety and protection for short term confinement while training a puppy or new dog about its own and house boundaries.

Tips & Guide To Looking For A Good Dog Trainer

Dog training is definitely not rocket science and is easier than you would expect particularly if you can get help from a good dog training book or guide. It?s also certainly possible for almost any dog owners to train their dogs themselves provided they put in adequate amount of effort.

Biting & Nipping Behavior Can Kill Your Dog!

Dog bite injuries are alarmingly the most common condition that we human suffer from as a result of contact with dogs. In the United States alone, there are between 1-2 million people bitten by dogs each year.

The Geriatric (Older) Dog

Dogs mature and age at much different rates, usually according to size and breed. It is commonly held that dogs live 7 years for every year that we man does. However, this serve as only a rough guide when converting and calculating your dog?s age as dogs grow up very rapidly in their early years and then slow down.

Preparing for Your New Pet

Getting a new pet can be a lot of fun. You can choose from a dog, cat, hamster, gerbil, rabbit, and the list goes on and on. No matter what pet you choose, you will need to outfit them with the latest and greatest in pet gear. If you shop smart, you should be able to find many of your items for cheap.

Dog Food - Which Diet is Best for Dogs?

Why The Food You Give Your Dog Matters!

Feral Cats - Societys Problem Children

There is a lot of talk going on about what to do with the issue of feral cat population.

Goldfish Feeding Tips

What?s the best food for your Goldfish?

Goldfish Outdoors

How do you build a goldfish pond outdoors?

Why the Heck Would You Have a Pet Snake (or lizard, crocodile, monitor, frog, turtle etc)?

This is a question that has been asked of me and a thousand (million?) other herp keepers. I think it?s almost a case of once bitten, twice as determined. But seriously, it is something I have pondered but not really found an adequate answer for. They are not cute and cuddly. They bite (when young), they feel cold (not really) and they have funny eyes. And scales.

10 Greatest Puppy Training Tips of All Time

The 10 Greatest Puppy Training Tips of All Time According to Dog Training Experts

Why Crate Train My Dog?

A few years ago, before I decided to stay home with my kids, I worked as a veterinarian technician in an animal hospital. While at that job I saw so many clients who would bring in their dog and be upset because they had eaten something in the house, other than food, and were now sick. One client brought in her chocolate lab that had gotten into her sewing box and eaten a pincushion, pins and all!!! Off to surgery the dog went and the owner was out about $1,500. Case number two was a giant poodle that, while the owner was away, got into her closet and ate a pair of panty hose. Unfortunately this dog did not make it through surgery. The pantyhose got wrapped around its intestines and the doctor was not able to save the dog.

Your Pets Medicine Chest - Medications To Keep On-Hand

We all know that good food, a loving home and plenty of exercise will go a long way in giving your dog and cat a happy and healthy life. But what about those times when some minor illness suddenly appears and it's 10 pm in the evening with no veterinarian available? (For those of you who have small understand how this works).

Sugar Gliders, Pocket Pets

Many people are searching for different means to have pets. Dogs and cats are not always the best choice of pets for everyone. Here is an amazingly different type of pet. A Pocket Pet! A Sugar Glider.

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