Did You Market Yourself Today?

"If you build a better mouse trap - the world will beat a path to your door."

Do you still believe that?

Let's try another one. "Go to school; get a good job; and the company will look after you." The first statement is from Emerson - the second you may have heard from your parents. Both are no longer true. Don't blame your parents or Emerson for their dated wisdom - things change.

You still have to be good at what you do. But, in any career you choose today - you must learn 'the job' plus how to sell and market yourself.

Marketing is not selling. Marketing is everything you do - or don't do that helps you sell (or hinders you). You cannot 'not market'. Marketing is about sending messages and everything you do or don't do sends a message about you. The way you answer, or don't answer your phone sends a message. Send out a sloppy resume and that sends a message.

You can influence how others perceive you if you follow the Secrets of Power Marketing.

What you know and can do is not necessarily how others see you. What they perceive is a combination of their beliefs and your intended and unintended messages. You must be aware of all these messages and manage the perceptions.

Do you want to be seen as an expert? A good person? A thorough worker? A fun individual? An intellectual? Sensible? Analytical? Creative?

Use creative ways of sending your message. Here are some simple tips you can use. For more tips read - Secrets of Power Marketing - a refreshing guide to personal marketing for individuals who want to succeed.

Get involved in your community. Volunteer to work on a fund-raising campaign. Become a spokesperson for your club or association. The more the public sees your name the more 'they think they know you'. If they know you, they have a chance to like you and we would rather hire, promote, or recommend someone we like.

Build relationships with key decision makers. Send them a thank-you note when they did something to help you. Send a note of congratulations when they did something that deserves a compliment. Recommend a book that you think they would like. Clip and send them an article that might interest them, (maybe this one). Meet for coffee, breakfast or lunch.

Never stop marketing.

© George Torok is co-author of the national bestseller, Secrets of Power Marketing. He delivers keynote speeches and training programs to help organizations grow. For more information call 800-304-1861 or visit http://www.Torok.com to register for weekly tips.

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