Planting the Seeds of Greatness - Make it Great Newsletter #7

Thought of the Week

This week, I'd like to challenge you to try something: Give something to someone that you know can never repay the favor. This could be something simple like opening the door for someone with their hands full, or buying lunch for a complete stranger at your local bistro.

When you're done, think about how it makes you feel inside. Doesn't it feel GREAT to help people? I think it does, and if you take this challenge and make it a weekly thing, I promise you'll start feeling better about the life you're living if you take the time to notice how you feel after you do this little thing.

Last week, I mentioned the power of networking. What better way to network with someone than by helping them. Remember that networking is not all about you and is really all about others. How better to show this than by helping them with something unexpected. When you help others, they're much more apt to listen to what you have to say, and you never know when the person you've helped might mention your kindness to someone else who can return the favor. Unexpected results, to be sure!

Now something else really cool might happen to you: Someone else might do a favor for you, and you may never be able to repay her/his kindness. Don't feel badly that you can't return the favor, just help someone else. If you dig your well before you're thirsty, then you won't feel badly about others helping you, and you'll be encouraged to help others.


Quotes of the week

"Plant a kernel of wheat and you reap a pint; plant a pint, and you reap a bushel. Always the law works to give you back more than you give." -- Anthony Norvell, author

"If you help enough people get what they want, you will get what you want." - Zig Ziglar, author and speaker


Book of the Week

Dig Your Well Before You're Thirsty - Harvey Mackay (

The sub-title of this book says it all: "The Only Networking Book You'll Ever Need." Harvey displays in great depth how helping others is the best way to help yourself. He talks about the 10 biggest mistakes you can do when networking, what you can expect when you network, and so much more. While I don't think this is the only networking book you'll ever need, I do agree that this is a great read and encourage you to pick it up today! ----------------------------------------------------------------

Action Items for Your Week

1) Introduce yourself to 2-3 new people.

2) Do a favor for one of these 2-3 people, and know that they may never be able to repay your kindness.

3) Write your results in your attitude journal or send me an e-mail and let me know how this made you feel.

4) Repeat as often as you can!

Until next time...Make it a GREAT day!

Phil Gerbyshak


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