Environmental Medicine

Our modern preservatives and other pollutants like yellow dye no. 5 have caused bodily responses which detract or impair the natural process of our system. It is a serious issue that science may argue about while we all suffer major impacts. One of the hardest things to measure or gauge is the impact on the soul and brain through hormonal and thalami responses which we touched upon in the Third Eye/Thalami research. Some competent doctors claim a correlation with mental illnesses as the histamines generated to respond to foreign agents cause inflammations in body tissues. Does this chemical interplay between the body and the environment affect all of our 'temple' in the physical body? We think it does and we are concerned about genetic transference and mutational activity as well.

"In 'Allergic to the Twentieth Century', popular science-writer Peter Radetsky investigates the shocking increase in illnesses caused by our chemically saturated environment:

*An estimated 37.5 million {U.S.} people experience physical reactions to new paint, detergents" perfumes, and myriad other common products

*More than 100,000 veterans have registered as sufferers of Gulf War syndrome

*Untold thousands suffer from sick building syndrome

*And severe cases of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) - a debilitating disease that makes living with almost any chemical product an impossibility - are on the rise

Using startling case histories and up-to-the-minute science {1997}, Radetsky investigates the sufferers, the skeptics, and the scientists who wage the fight against environmental allergies-{Without addressing controversial chemicals prescribed for kids - Ritalin has recently been shown to cause heart disease along with all its other negatives.} a controversial disease that may very soon affect us all." (32)

He doesn't deal with a very positive treatment for allergies that we cover under the yeast heading. That is a continuing mystery to me, why not allow 80% of allergy sufferers to benefit from cheap natural healing that yeast de-sensitization treatment allows for all allergies (perhaps not sick building, and Gulf War Syndrome, which may be more than allergies).

Author of Diverse Druids
Columnist for The ES Press Magazine
Guest 'expert' at World-Mysteries.com

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