Area Rugs - Accent Your Rooms with Area Rugs

One of the easiest ways to accent and decorate your home is with the use of accent rugs and area rugs. Rugs are far more than just something to cushion your feet and keep them warm in winter. They're miniature works of art in which the form transcends the function. An accent rug in the right place can bring your whole room together by tying colors, patterns and styles into a cohesive whole, or serve as a bridge between different areas of your home or a single room.

Area rugs can range in size from 24 inches to 10 feet. You can use them to accent a small area of your room, or choose a room size area rug to be the foundation of your room's unique style. The rug you choose can be the anchor that sets the mood of your room and gives it a flavor all its own. If you're trying to establish a certain style in your room, try some of the following suggestions.

Accent a Colonial Style Living Room Set With a Braided Oval Rug

Braided rugs have a long history in the United States. Colonial housewives, who never wasted anything, would cut their old and worn clothing and blankets into strips, then braid the strips and coil them into oval and round area rugs. Today's braided rugs may be made of cotton, wool or a polyester blend. They come in sizes from 2 feet in diameter up to room size 8x10 foot ovals. The most popular color blends are brown, blue, green and violet, but you can find color blends that accent any decor. Braided area rugs give a homey, homespun feel to your rooms and are the perfect accent for a colonial style living or dining room.

Accentuate a Conversational Grouping with a Contemporary Area Rug

Whether you choose a low pile area rug in a single color, a Mexican or Indian dhurrie area rug or a thick, luxurious pile rug in a stark contemporary pattern, area rugs are a great way to set a grouping of furniture off from the rest of the room and define its space. A light-colored area rug under the furniture can make it seem larger and brighter. A warm, dark color will contribute to a cozy, comfortable feeling even in a large, airy room.

Add a Hint of Luxury to Your Living Room with an Oriental Area Rug

Nothing says luxury quite like a thick, lush Oriental rug. You can choose patterns in jewel bright colors, or muted pastels, in styles that range from traditional Oriental border patterns to big overall flowers and geometric designs. They're the perfect accent for beneath a traditional or Mediterranean dining room set.

To view our list of recommended sources for the highest quality rugs online, visit: Recommended Online Rug Stores.

Carrie Reeder is the owner of eZerk, an informational website with articles and the latest news about various topics. Visit the website to read more about decorating and rugs.

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