Inspirational Information

Make Life Work: Repair the Relationship with Yourself

What areas of your life are working well? Career? Finances?

Trusting Your Genius Within

Comments about New Theories in the Professions and Business!

Discovering The Art of Bending Your Mindset And Manifesting Your Multiple Intelligences

Discovering the Art of Bending Your Mindset and Manifesting your Multiple Intelligences in selling.

There Must Be A Way Out!

He was pushing a cart containing crates of soft drinks and followed closely by his two little boys when their momentum was halted. Noticing the situation, I ? who was on my way to see my printer?s - stopped to see what would happen next. Before them stood this mud-filled pothole spanning the entire breadth of the road, providing, apparently, ?a-no-way-out? situation for this bunch. His little boys turned to him with an anxious look that read; ?Now we?re stuck?.

Stay With It!

I walked out of his office inspired. All I could immediately recall were those soft-spoken words, ?STAY WITH IT?. They were from no less a person than Rev. Sam Adeyemi of Success Power fame, on whom I had gone to pay a courtesy call. The first time we met was two years earlier when he came to my campus to speak to students about success. Then I was an undergraduate with a fledging media outfit and, most naturally, the privilege fell on me to interview him for a story for my readers.

Imprisoned In Liberty?

Robert was so strong that I once saw him pick up and carry a refrigerator up stairs by himself. His strength plus his integrity landed him a job as a guard at a maximum-security correctional facility in a town called "Liberty."

As A Caterpillar

"Happiness can be as elusive as a fluttering butterlfy but as easily attainable as a crawling caterpillar. Put aside the net, and let it happen." Brain G. Jett

Weapons of Mass Distraction

Anything that draws one away from the business of living and being worthy ? such as drugs, alcohol, distractions of all descriptions, and sleep when the intent is oblivion, not to mention the idea of killing oneself ? is a means of escaping, a little death, and death itself is the ultimate escape.

Commitment To The Journey

I have been a business owner for about a minute. In fact, that would probably be quite generous if you compared me to the business moguls out here or anywhere for that matter. But in spite of that fact, I probably know a lot about business, more than I realize and much more than you would expect, if you knew my background. It is my life as a business owner that has finally made sense of all the data and observations that I have gathered over the years. I spent 20 years of my life working for others, most unknown, some infamous.

Do You Feel Headed For Shipwreck?

The ocean liner Achille Lauro sailed perpetually under a dark cloud. In 1953 it collided with another ship. In 1975 it rammed a Lebanese vessel, killing four people. In 1981 it suffered a fire that claimed two lives. In 1985, Palestinian terrorists grabbed world headlines by seizing the ship, slaying passenger Leon Klinghoffer, and dumping him and his wheelchair overboard. In December of 1994, off Somalia, a fire broke out in the engine room, forcing all 1,000 aboard to abandon ship. Two days later, the Achille Lauro sank to the bottom of the Indian Ocean.

Sixty-Second Caring

"How are you doing?" you ask. There's a pause before the reply. "You don't really want to know." The eyes look down. The body language says, "If you turn and walk away, I won't blame you."

The True and Magnificent Power of Giving

You've probably heard of the popular saying "It's better to give than to receive." But do you actually know what hidden power lies within this magnanimous act known as "giving?"

A Journey of a Thousand Miles

There is a Chinese proverb that says, "A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step."

Such Love Transforms

Everything was arranged: once the funeral was over, all were to go to Hephzibah's house for the after-funeral dinner. It was the way things were done in Nain, typical of the customs followed by citizens of the Jewish towns of the Galilee.

The Brilliant You, Unreleased!

You're a remarkable person. But, you knew that already. Still, buried among apathy, unbelief and inhibition, is the brilliant "you" waiting to be released. You already knew that, too. A few disappointments here, several temporary defeats there, and POOF! just like that, you settled for being a risk-conscious, opportunity: self-denied, generality. Nobody makes any progress by standing still. You're not an exception; and you're not alone.

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