Using Online Marketing Forums to Jumpstart Your Home Business

One of the most wonderful things that I have discovered about the network-marketing world during the past few months are online forums. These forums offer so much to enrich both your online working life and your knowledge of this sometimes confusing, often frustrating world of home-based business, internet marketing.

Being a home business, marketing entrepreneur can be an extremely lonely and isolating pursuit. Being an active part of online forums will make you feel much less alone out here and foster a sense of community in you that you will treasure if you participate fully with your peers in the profession.

Think of online business forums as your very own Chamber of Commerce. Everyone has heard of the Chamber of Commerce in their community. That is the place where business owners go for all kinds of assistance. Assistance with marketing ideas, assistance with technical problems associated with running their businesses and for networking with other business owners in the community.

Chamber of Commerce members have a stake, or interest if you will, in the prosperity and survival of their particular business community because, if the community does not survive as a whole, neither will their own business. One difference between your local Chamber of Commerce and online forums is that membership in forums is almost always free, whereas a Chamber of Commerce membership generally requires a yearly dues payment.

Beyond networking with your peers and engendering a sense of community, online forums can be the place where you can find answers to question about all facets of your business and assistance with things from web design to marketing strategies and tools to help you become a better person and a better marketer.

So, if you have not found or become part of these communities yet, do so at the earliest possible moment.

copyright @ 2005 by Mary Rita Earle

Mary Rita Earle is the owner of Duchess Marketing. A complete suite of work at home opportunities, ideas, tips, tools and strategies for the home business entrepreneur. Get free information via email to:

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