Entrepreneur Information

Veteran Entrepreneurs Are Growing In Ranks

When I?m not running my own business, writing articles about business, speaking to groups and organizations about business, or consulting with companies who want my advice about the running of their business, I teach a weekly class on the subject of (care to guess?) starting and running a business.

How Good Is Your Big Idea

Q: I want to start my own business. I have tons of business ideas that all sound great to me, but my husband is not so sure. He says that we need to figure out a way to test my ideas to pick the one that has the best chance of succeeding. I?m ready to just pick one and go for it. What is the best way to determine if a business idea really is as good as it sounds? -- Hannah C.

Before the Business Plan

Purveyors of conventional wisdom would have you believe that the very first thing you ought to do when setting up a new business is to create a business plan.

Do You Have What It Takes?

I think it?s fair to say that not everyone is cut out to be a successful business owner, now some of you maybe disputing this statement but hear me out.

The Danger Of Hate

As you have shown an interest in starting a business of your own it would be safe to assume that you want to change your life. You want more money - more control over your life - more respect. But just as we each have a dream, we also have a reality.

Entrepreneurs Ask: As a Novice Entrepreneur, How Can I Feel Less Overwhelmed?

Great question! Overwhelm is very common even among the most veteran entrepreneurs, so take solace in the fact that you are not alone. With the ever-increasing numbers of new entrepreneurial endeavors, and therefore new entrepreneurs, there are many who are experiencing the very same feelings as you.

Ex-Yankee Pitcher Pitches Barter As Powerful Business Tool

Mission Viejo, CA - June 14, 2005 - Bob Meyer, a former major league pitcher in the 1960s who signed four-consecutive major league contracts with the New York Yankees, is now the most visible spokesman for the worldwide commercial barter industry.

CHINESE TAKE-OUT: Oriental Business Principles Demystified For Online Enterprises

?The expectations of life depend upon diligence; the mechanic that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.? - Confucius

Could a Non-Profit Structure Be Right for Your Business?

If you have a business idea, or an idea for a service for your community, there's one decision you must make early on: are you going to structure your project as a for-profit business, or as a non-profit corporation?

Determine Your Niche & Be Successful

What?s a niche?

Financing Your Business

Anyone who is serious about making some money is already very well aware of the fact that it takes some type of investment to make this happen. I've read a lot of copy that suggests one can build a business for free, if they are willing to spend an extra amount of time to compensate for their lack of financial backing.

Profile of Women Leaders

Leadership is based on two words, "pressure and support"and that the leadership is the power to influence people to move in a direction that you believe in your heart is a good direction for most people" (Fennell, 1999, p. 267). Adams and Yoder noted that "evidence from contemporary studies on sex-roles and leadership indicates that men and women, with similar education, career aspirations and training, have basically identical scores on measures of psychological masculinity and femininity." In other words, the traits we assume are important in good leadership can be found among people of both genders.

The Ideal Length of Your Business Plan

How long should a business plan be? A business plan needs to be whatever length is required to excite the investor, prove that management truly understands the market, and detail the execution strategy. From surveys of investor needs, Growthink has found that 15 to 25 pages of text is the optimum length in which to accomplish this. Any more and the time-constrained investor will be forced to skim certain sections of the plan, even if they are generally interested, which could lead them to miss essential elements. Any less and the investor will think that the business has not been fully thought through, or will simply not have enough information to make an investment decision.

How To Start a New Business

While it is tempting to just leap into a new business because of it?s exciting possibilities, a few key planning points will vastly increase your chances of success. These steps aren?t difficult, but they?re easy to skip. Many businesses ultimately depend on a slim profit margin, so planning can really help the process. Too many restaurant patrons, for instance, assume that running a restaurant seems fun because of the many restaurants they have visited, but restaurants have an especially high failure rate.

Two Types of Business Plan Executive Summaries

Companies seeking capital often ask how long the Executive Summary of their business plan should be. The answer depends upon the use of the summary, mainly determining if 1) it precedes the full business plan, or 2) it will be used as a stand-alone document.

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