What Do You Have To Give?

"Happiness is not a matter of good fortune or worldly possessions. It's a mental attitude. It comes from appreciating what we have, instead of being miserable about what we don't have. It's so simple-yet so hard for the human mind to comprehend." ~ Bits & Pieces

Every year millions of us set New Year's resolutions to lose weight, exercise more, manage our money more closely, eat more nutritious foods etc. etc. We usually take a critical look at ourselves and highlight the negative things we feel we need to change.

Today, I offer you a fresh perspective on the idea of resolutions. I invite you to consider instead: what it is that you have to *offer* to the world that up until now you have not been offering fully?

Let's make this your year of contribution. I would like you to take a quick inventory of your natural talents and gifts. Believe me; you have more than you give yourself credit for! Now list one way you can use each gift toward the benefit of others this year. Are you a good listener? Can you make more of an effort to listen to others this year? Are you a talented musician? How could you share your talent with the world? What are you naturally good at and how could you give more of that to your family, your friends, your neighborhood, your job or your community? Are you a talented cook, or painter? Who could you cook for this year that you haven't before? Who could you paint for?

I'm not suggesting you spend every minute of the next year giving away your talents! Just pick a few, your favorites perhaps, the ones that would be fun and start with those. This is a true win-win. You will feel great about yourself as your talents are expressed (and appreciated) as well as the obvious benefits to the recipient. There are a myriad of subtle wins in this type of self-expression, not the least of which is the potential for new or closer relationships with others.

Too often our passions and talents are kept locked away in our houses or apartments and are confined to Saturday morning hobby time. If even that. Let's let them out into the world! Share the wealth of your talent.

Let this be the year you share yourself. Don't be stingy. You were given your natural talents for a reason - you were given them so you could contribute them to the world.

So, what do you have to give?

Deirdre Maigread McEachern is a personal coach who helps her clients experience more joy in their lives. You can contact Deirdre for a complimentary consultation at 207-439-4280 or join her free monthly newsletter at http://www.vip-coaching.com.

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