Two Major Training Mistakes You Must Dump Immediately!

The number of myths about natural bodybuilding are too numerous to mention. For every guy who knows the principles of effective bodybuilding, there are countless others who don't. Those lacking the knowledge to train properly will argue until their strides split open or until Frankie No-Gains asks them for a spot. I don't argue anymore. I just figure they can either take it, or leave it.

Bodybuilding is not complicated. It's simpler than your brother's, cousin's third husband. Plus, it allows you to completely transform yourself from a proverbial "weakling," into a "muscle monster." That's if you so choose. In short, it rocks. Narrow-minded sceptics who argue otherwise, are just too damn lazy to try it themselves.

The majority of "skinny guys" you will ever meet can quickly supply an elaborate list of exercises with incredible performance detail. However, the same losers can't seem to identify the most effective ones. Failing to understanding the "fundamental" science of muscle growth, is truly criminal. But to be fair, just this once, most beginners will always experience some form of ignorance, at least initially. However, by learning what you have here, you are already ahead of ninety-nine percent of everyone you will ever meet.

Although some training methods produce reasonable results, it doesn't mean that you should be using them. Training with this routine will achieve far better muscle gains in much less time. This routine consists of only the most effective exercises available. Always strive for the greatest return on time and energy invested. Anything less is unnecessary, pointless, and not worth your time. Got it.

I don't need to disprove alternate methods of training. Boring you with the evidence that supports the methods advised in this routine is just sucking wind. Addressing two of the more dangerous myths, however, is a valuable warning. Stay focused, stay alert. You need to hear this.

The strategy of "intuitive" or "instinctive" training is a myth in its finest form. This theory promotes the utilization of personal intuition and instincts to guide your training program. Supporters of this method claim, that eventually, you will develop a "feel" for a suitable training program which includes a selection of the most suitable exercises.

This strategy is a farce. If achieving optimum muscle gains from your training is your goal, working in direct opposition to your instincts is critical. Following your instincts exclusively, will results in next no gains at all. Remember, you gotta be smarter than that.

During any given workout you will need to overcome your persuasive, primitive instincts. You need to approach muscle growth in a more scientific manner. The satisfaction, not to mention the muscle growth, you will gain from proper training is truly incredible. Turning your goal of bigger stronger muscles into a reality is the aim here. In this equation, instinct factors nowhere.

Exactly what would happen if pandering to your instincts was an option? During an exercise set, you would stop performing well before you stimulated any muscle growth. The human body is a homeostatic organism. It will do everything in its power to maintain the status quo. For example, instinctive hunger pains precede your body's actual need for food by several hours.

In the case of intense exercise, the body is quick to recognize the onset of a challenging workload. It will do everything it can to prevent you from performing additional exercise. The instinctual body dreads the point of momentary exhaustion. You must be aware of this destructive self-talk, so that you can push onwards to bigger gains and better gains.

There is of course a definite limit in your training that you shouldn't go beyond. However, this limitation only applies to the quantity of exercise performed, not the intensity of effort. Exhausting your body's ability to recover is the only real, potentially life threatening concern. However, maximizing intensity of effort is an absolute requirement for achieving super-fast muscle gains. Using your questionable instincts to guide your training program will not produce maximum muscle gains. No gains at all, is the most likely outcome from just such actions.

Another misguided and dangerous myth involves the use of 'growth drugs' or anabolic steroids. Unfortunately, drug use is widespread among athletes, bodybuilders and individuals looking for a performance advantage. The health risks associated with consuming steroids are severe. Compared to the risks, the benefits just aren't worth it.

Besides, using these types of drugs is totally unnecessary. The only exception is someone who has them prescribed by a doctor for medical reasons. Steer clear of these substances if you are healthy and wish to remain so. Essentially, the majority of 'performance enhancing' drugs are synthetic hormones.

Even though increased dosages of these drugs can boost recovery ability, they are not required for incredible muscle gains. On the contrary, most bodybuilders who use drugs, must do so simply because they are training too often. I guess ignorance is bliss. At least until you suffer a stroke, and end up in a wheelchair.

The dangers in using 'performance enhancing' drugs are obvious. The benefits and damaging side effects associated with their consumption is still greatly unknown. Controlled testing has not been widespread. The jury is still out on the long term effects of these drugs. My advice, avoid steroid use completely.

Trent Brook is the Author of "Huge Gains Fast - How to Get More Rock-Hard Muscle Mass In A Month Than You Now Get All Year. His "Huge Gains Fast" muscle building program is an easy-to-follow system so simple and understandable it's fully explained to you in just 4 easy steps! The Revised Edition is now available online at his website,

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