Potty Training in One Day - Can You Really Potty Train in a Day? What Does It Mean?

Sounds great ? doesn't it?

Or does it sound too good to be true?

It all comes down to perspective and expectations.

If these words evoke the idea of a magic pill image in your mind ? i.e. all I have to do is spend some money here and boom, my child will be potty trained in one day ? that's it ? s/he will go from diapers/pull-ups to potty training pants and will not have accidents and we will all live happily ever after.

Well, a magic pill it is not!! It will take effort and energy on your part and yes, you will have to clean up accidents. We all learn from our mistakes and your child will not be any different.

It is however a proven method that has successfully worked for many parents. The one day is the "Big Day" (see Figure 1 below). This is the day when the actual potty training is done and your child will give up diapers forever and start using "big kid" potty training pants.


Figure 1: The Potty Training in One Day Process - modified for this article

(The preparation & planning can take from 1 hour to 2 week or more, depending on your and your child's readiness. The "Big Day" is the day you potty train your child - and it take anywhere from an hour to the whole day. The follow-up can take anywhere from 0-2 weeks depending on your child.)

However, as many other things in life, in order for you to have a pleasant and successful "Big Day" you will have to spend some time preparing and planning for this day. The planning and preparation could take anywhere from one hour to a few weeks depending on how ready you and your child are. The time required for the follow-up after the "Big Day" really depends on your child. Some children do not require any follow-up, but others may require more.

So, what is Potty Training in One Day?

It is a proven method to potty train your child; Your child will give up diapers on this day and will learn to pee on the potty and will also learn what is expected of him/her as far as going to the potty goes.

You on the other hand; will have to expend some time, effort and energy before this day by getting all the supplies together and then preparing your child and yourself for this day (you are already doing this by reading this article!!). You will have to mentally and physically get ready to handle potty accidents and clean ups from these potty accidents. After the big day, you will also have to clean up more potty accidents and follow up with your child and make sure that s/he is clear on what you expect from him/her.

Most people who choose to use this method are surprised by how quickly their child learns and that the potty accidents are limited to a few days. Most children will be accident free in one week, however, you have the ones that never have accidents, and then you have the ones that will have accidents for a couple of weeks.

Stick with it and your child will be accident free in two weeks or less!! No more diapers or pull-ups!!

Copyright 2004-2005. Potty Training Concepts. All Rights Reserved.

Visit our website to learn How to Potty Train in One Day from Potty Training Concepts - www.PottyTrainingConcepts.com

Narmin Parpia, inventor of the Potty Training in One Day ? The Complete System for Girls and for Boys with potty training dolls Potty Scotty? and Potty Patty?. Narmin has been dispensing products, information and advice online. Her products have been featured nationally on the Today Show, in Time Magazine, and on Mr Dad - Armin Brott's talk show.

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