Advertising Information

Whats The Frequency?

The more things change, some say, the more things stay the same. When it comes to marketing, I tend to agree. Consider the following list of how advertising frequency equates to advertising effectiveness. Thomas Smith wrote this in 1885:

Just What Are Consumers Thinking?

Research would indicate that consumers don?t know what they?re thinking. According to an article written by Jack Shimell (2002) for Quirk?s Marketing Research Review, Consumers make their decisions and react to advertising based more on unconscious emotional processes than on conscious rational processes.

When Times Get Tough... or When to Really Advertise

The Pundits say the economy is slowly, but surely, recovering. Maybe not at the rate of the mid-90s stock boom, but recovering nonetheless.

Marketing Advertising, While Advertising Your Market!

Today in the Business world whether online or off, it seems that everyone is vying for position, yet few are able to leap to the forefront of their competition.

Advertising Basics for Beginners

So many of us who have decided to do business online have no background in marketing or advertising. It can be so frustrating without any kind of guide.

How To Write Eye-Grabbing Headlines That Catapult Your Prospects Into Your Ads

If you're interested in improving the selling results of your ads, tweaking your headlines is a great place to start. Because your headlines influence the sales results of your ad more than any other element.

Online Advertising: 10 High Impact Psychological Triggers To Super-Charge Your Ad

If you knew these 10 high impact insider?s hidden psychological triggers and plug them into your Ad and website content, you can empower them and ignite a tornado of sales at your website.

Advertising - Should You Be Advertising Your Services?

You offer a reliable, quality service. You know that if more people knew what you can do, you'd increase sales. So you advertise in the most likely media for potential clients to read about you. But there's no response. Why?

B2B Marketing Health and Elder Care Services

Quality Care Options is an established company advocating for the right of all seniors to receive excellent service and product. The organization recommends Certified Senior Approved Services to its elderly clientele.

6 Must-Have Elements of a Powerful Brochure

Most brochures that businesses put out today end up doing little to impact the sales of that business. By applying the 6 must-have elements listed below you will transform you brochure from trash can lining into a powerful sales tool.

Does Your Brochure Pass the Test - Or is It Headed for the Trash? Part One

The decision on whether or not someone will read your brochure is usually decided in the first 5 seconds they look at it. What kind of message are you communicating in that five seconds? Will you make a favorable impression with your prospect? Will you move your prospect closer to the sale?

Does Your Brochure Pass the Test - Or is It Headed for the Trash? Part Two

In part one of this article we discussed the importance of the look or appearance of your brochure.

Which is Better Digital or Offset Printing?

As technology continues to improve, the quality of digital prints also improves. Technology advancements have also made it easier for more and more businesses to enter the printing industry. Good digital printers cost a few thousands dollars?good offset printing presses may cost a few million dollars.

Brochures - The Ultimate Sales Tool

?How brochures can help you stand out from the competition, close the deal, and even build repeat business.?

4 Ways to Double the Power of Your Business Cards

Sure, everyone needs business cards. But why not make your business card do double or triple the work of an average business card.

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